The letter

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November passed peacefully and December started. Christmas was only a few days away and just yesterday they had, had a Hogsmeade trip to get gifts for friends and family.

Literally everyone was going home except Luna, the Marauders, Snape, two Ravenclaw girls, Xenophilius Lovegood, and no one from Hufflepuff. Currently, it was evening and everyone was packing their trunks as tomorrow was the day they were going home for Christmas.

"Do you want to come to my house with me for Christmas?" Lily asked.

"No, it's fine," Luna assured her.

Suddenly, there was a tap on the window. The girls looked up to see an owl there. Lily opened the window letting the bird in and turned the envelope over.

"It's from Petunia," Lily said, surprised.

"Your sister?" Luna asked.

Lily nodded uncertainly. "She never writes to me."

She slowly opened the envelope taking out the piece of paper. Her eves scanned the piece of paper and once she finished, her eyes brimmed with tears. She dropped the paper and ran out.

"What happened to Lily?" James asked, concerned.

"It was the letter," Luna said picking the letter up and starting to read it.

James and Remus looked over her shoulder to read it.


You must be wondering why I have written to you. Believe me, I wouldn't have but I have some news. I won't make this long. Today, a bunch of freaks, like you, turned up at our house. They were wearing black clothes. I think they were Death eaters, the fools you told us about. Anyway, the point is, they killed our parents. I think they didn't see me as I was upstairs. I will be living with Vernon now. And, do me a favor and don't come home for Christmas; don't ever show me your face. It is your fault that these freaks killed our parents!

From, Petunia

Luna looked up horror stricken, Lily, her grandmother's parents had just died. No wonder Lily got so upset. It was clear that so was Petunia because there were tear marks on the paper.

"Shouldn't we do something?" James asked her.

"Yes, but I think you should go alone and comfort her," Luna said. "And please do not say something inappropriate."

"I never do," James said and went up to his dorm.

"What's he doing?" Luna asked.

"Er.. I think he's checking if he can spot Lily from the window," Remus said nervously.

"Oh." He must be checking where Lily went in the Marauders Map, Luna thought.

James came rushing back downstairs.

"She's near the Black Lake," he said.

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