The Sorting Ceremony

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After parting her way with Xenophilius, Luna sat patiently at the Gryffindor table waiting for McGonagall to come in with the first years. When she did Luna smiled at them rembering her first time at Hogwarts, they looked anxious and fascinated at the same time as they looked around the hall. They gasped as they looked up at the ceiling which was bewitched to show the sky.

McGonagall then cleared her throat and everyone fell silent. She placed a ragged hat on the stool, it had a rip, which was supposed to be a mouth. The hat opened it's 'mouth' and started singing.

 The hat opened it's 'mouth' and started singing

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The hall erupted into cheers as the hat finished it's song and bowed to all four tables before going still again. Then McGonagall started calling students forward. 

Luna however didn't pay much attention to the sorting and instead, looked around the Great hall if she knew any of them. She of course had already met the marauders who were sitting in the middle of the table, she then spotted her grandmother, Lily Evans who was sitting a few seats to her left with Alice Forestcue who was Neville's mother and two other girls she didn't recognise. 

She then turned her gaze towards the Ravenclaw table, where she saw her godmother Luna's father, she was sure the girl sitting a few seats to his right was her godmother's mother because she looked an awful lot like her.

Then she looked at the Slytherin table where she saw Severus Snape, there was also Regulus Black, Sirius's younger brother, Bellatrix Black who as her aunt had described had malice in her eyes and curly midnight black hair and many other people she didn't recognise.

She then turned to the Hufflepuff table, but there weren't any people that she recognised so she turned towards the teachers table, where there was Professor McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Dumbledore, Slughorn and some she didn't recognise.

She turned back to what was going on when Dumbledore stood up.

" Now students, before we begin eating I must give you the start of term announcement, first years note that the forbidden forest is forbidden for everyone and a few of our older students should also remember that," he said glancing at the marauders as he said the last part. " Also Mr. Filch has told me to remind you that zonko's products are banned. I'll also like to announce that we have a transfer student for sixth year, Miss Luna Parker who has privately been sorted into Gryffindor. And now..." He clicked his fingers and plates appeared in front of them.

(A/N: I'm really sorry for the late update.)

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