Diagon Alley

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In the morning after getting dressed and having breakfast, Luna went back to Professor Dumbledore's office.

(A/N: I am just going to call Lily, Luna to avoid confusion.)

" Chocolate Frogs?" she said guessing the password  as she reached the gargoyle, " Sugar quill, Acid Pops, exploding bonbons, cockroach cluster, Sherbet lemon?"

Finally the gargoyle moved aside revealing the  spiraling staircase, Luna climbed it and knocked on the door after reaching Dumbledore's office.

" Come in," said Dumbledore.

 After entering the office, Luna said, " Er... sir I just remembered that I don't have any money with me."

" I have arranged that Miss Potter in this bag there is enough money for the whole school year, including Hogsmeade from the Hogwarts students vault," said Dumbledore smiling at her over his half-moon spectacles and nodding towards a bag sitting on his table.

" Thankyou sir," said Luna smiling back at him.

" Here is your booklist, you can floo to Diagon Alley, then stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the last week of the holidays and once you come you can directly sit at the Gryffindor table, I will announce it."

Luna nodded, taking the bag and a fistful of floo powder, stepped into the fireplace and yelled, Diagon Alley," and  the green flames swallowed her up once more.

Once she landed on her feet, she looked around and saw that she was in Leaky Cauldron, it hadn't changed much in the future. She went outside, tapped on the bricks entering Diagon Alley. First she went to Madame Malkin's to get new robes, then to get her potion equipment; then to Flourish and Bolts to get her books, quill and parchment. There she saw a tall boy with greasy hair and a hooked nose, she was sure this was Severus Snape whom her brother was named after.

 After getting all her school equipment she went to Florean Fortescue's to treat herself to ice-cream. Finally after wandering in Diagon Alley most of the morning she went to Leaky Cauldron, booked a room and then at night she fell asleep immediately.  

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