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Days went by and Luna started getting comfortable with her new routine. It was the same as it had been in her own era, except the people. One day as Luna was coming out of the library alone because Em was at Care of magical creatures and Amelia had Arithmacy suddenly, a hand dragged her into an empty, narrow and dark corridor. Luna instantly drew out her wand, but she then saw that the person was none other than Severus Snape.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hissed Luna.

"I just wanted to ask you some questions," said Snape coldly.

"And what might they be?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"What did you say your parents' blood status and job was?" Asked Snape.

"I didn't." Replied Luna, "anyway, they're both muggle born and, er.. my mum is an auror and my dad's a healer," she said as per the story she had made up.

"Well," said Snape his voice filled with malice, and pointing his wand at her, "I did some research and there is no one whose surname is 'Parker'. So? Who exactly are you?"

"I am Luna Parker," she said trying to convince though she knew that it wasn't going to work.

"No, you aren't," he said digging his wand into her neck, "I'm asking you for the last time, who really are you?"

Luna thought that there was no point in lying to Snape, so she just told him the truth. " Er... well my name is actually Lily and I'm from the future. Unfortunately I can't tell you my surname, but promise me that you won't tell anyone or the future might get messed up." She whispered.

Snape seemed to consider it, finally he said, "I guess, I believe you."

Luna was surprised, she didn't think that anyone would believe her so soon.

Snape must have seen her surprised look because he said, " I believed you so quickly because I checked all Hogwarts records and there was no student whose surname was 'Parker'."

"Oh, I, er.. well I'd better get going I have classes," she said checking her watch, " oh, and it was a pleasure meeting you Severus Snape," she said shaking Snape's hand and hurrying off to her next class which was DADA, leaving a rather stunned Snape behind.

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now