Chapter Thirty-Three: Las Vegas

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The ride back to New York was long and agonizingly silent. Nix didn't say a word and glared out the window the whole time, Tegan just drove as fast as she could so we could beat the sunset, and I was on my phone looking at statistics of the human population online. 

My eyes narrow as I study a circle diagram that included different colors for each state. Then there was an example in a line and bar diagram. 

“Well, the human population has gone up over the past five years,” I say in surprise. “The bitch from Hell was right.” 

“I wonder who just decides that they want to keep track of the human population in America,” Tegan mutters. 

Nix snorts. “Maybe people who actually give a damn about humans.” 

My eyes narrow. “Take it easy, Nix. I wasn't going to allow her to feed from you unless you wanted to. It was completely up to you, and you said no.” 

“Did that guy have a choice though?” Nix asks angrily. “Did he have a say in whether he wanted a vampire biting and feeding from him or no?” 

Tegan sighs. “I'm sorry, okay?” 

“Yeah, that makes it all better,” Nix snarls viciously. 

My thumb wipes across my screen. “There's definitely been an improvement in the human population. It's actually getting to the point where humans can actually have almost a normal life if they stay inside during the night.” 

“There's a problem,” Nix mutters darkly. 

My brow arches. “What is it?” 

“Nevada is the only state where prostitution is legal. Check the human population there, and then tell me the states that have the most vampire population.” 

My eyes widen slightly as I look at Nevada. “Uh, yeah, there's not much humans there. There is a ton of vampires there, California, New York, and a few other states that have major cities like L.A. and New York City.” I pause. “What's the problem though? Of course vampires are going to go to places where the most of the humans are at.” 

“What happens when humans get smart and all together we stop going outside at night?” Nix asks curiously. “If you've ever seen Fright Night then you know that a vampire doesn't have to have an invitation if there's no house,” Nix tells me darkly from the backseat. 

My body tenses up when the realization hits me. “Oh, shit... You're right... Vampires were once humans too. They can adapt to changes as well as any human can...” I frown. “But the agreement between vampires and humans was if there was a human outside at night, they are strictly food. Not the humans in their homes.” 

“Humans are never safe. We need somebody like Zuriel. It's just the way of nature. There's always going to be someone higher in the food chain, and if you can't adapt to survive then you die,” Nix says bluntly. “Humans cannot survive unless we adapt to vampires. Vampires cannot survive unless they adapt to whatever is out there that might decide to prey upon them.” 

My eyes close as I lean my head against the seat. “We need to go back to the hotel and get the ashes and return them to Dracula.” 

“But...” Tegan mumbles. “I guess you're going to turn me in then?” 

I let out a sigh. “You know, we have bigger problems now, Tegan.” 

We drive in silence as we slowly get closer to the hotel in the small town of New York. When we finally reach the place, we park in the parking lot and head inside quickly before we got caught in the darkness. 

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