Chapter Twenty-Three: Denial

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"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I ask her curiously. 

She sighs. "Nope. I just turned twenty-five and I've never had a boyfriend... How sad is that?" 

My eyes widen as I look at her. "So... No sex? No kissing? Nothing?" 

She looks over at me like I' stupid. "I can go on for the rest of my life without sex, Gadriel. I don't care." 

"You're a workaholic, that's what you are," I mutter. "You should try to let loose. Do something that you've never done before." 

"Where are you getting at?" she asks suspiciously. 

"You are so lonely," I say with a laugh. 

She glares at me. "No, I'm not." 

I look at her like she's crazy. "Yes, you are. You have a dog, you have never had a boyfriend, and you are twenty-five years old. I know what your problem is," I say with a smile. "You're frustrated. Sexually.” 

She snorts as she rolls her eyes. "Totally. No, you're sexually frustrated. Find one of the teachers at school to help you with that... I'm sure there's plenty that are willing." 

I frown deeply as I stare at her. "I don't want someone willing, though," I explain. 

"Well, then, that's too bad." 

I smile as I study her. "Oh, come on. We're both adults. We can do whatever the hell we want." 

Leah sighs as she turns her whole body to face me. "Listen here, Gadriel. I have respect for myself. I respect myself enough not to 'do whatever I want' just because I'm adult. You should have the same respect for yourself, too. Yes, you're an adult...but seriously? Come on.”

I frown as I narrow my eyes. "I have respect for myself..." I trail off. 

"Really now?" she asks with a scowl. "You sleep around with nearly all the teachers at school. You said that you've even been with the males... That makes sense because you were spending a lot of time in the principal's office the first few months you became a teacher at the school." 

"I was with the principal," I admit. "And the coaches as well." 

Leah's eyes widen. "Seriously? Come on, Gadriel, that's not having respect for yourself." 

Being scolded by Leah was kinda surprisingly hurtful. I feel like a child I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. My head bows in shame as I look down at my hands, and my mouth tastes like a bunch of mint. That toothpaste was strong... 

"I'm sorry, Leah..." I mutter. "I don't like how you make me feel like a damn kid." 

Leah laughs. "Well, you're acting like one so I'll treat you like one. When you start acting like a man, then I'll treat you like a man."

I smile darkly as I look up at her. "I can be a man." 

Leah leans away with discomfort when she looks me in the eyes. She must be affected by them by some extent... She realizes that she's drawn to them, but she knows how to have self-control. That's kinda impressive actually. 

"What kind of man are we talking about?" she asks as she nervously pushes her glasses up her nose. 

I smirk. "You're kinda like the smart sexy with those glasses." 

Her eyes widen as she leans farther away. "You think I'm sexy? Nooo. I'm not sexy at all. No sex appeal. No nothing. You're probably just saying that to get in my pants." 

I shake my head as I smile. "No. It's not that." 

"You seem better... What happened? Was it really because of my dog?" she asks curiously. 

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