Chapter Thirty-Five: Tattoos

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The woman leaves and comes back with Leah, and when they come busting into the room, Leah is cussing up a storm. 

“That stupid, motherfucking bitch fucking kissed me!” Leah snarls angrily as she yanks her arm free from the woman's grip. 

My brow arches as I look at the woman with a frown as Leah stumbles towards me and wraps her arms around my waist. I can't help but smile in amusement as I look down at Leah as she glares at Tegan murderously. 

“You'll live, Leah,” I tell her without a care. 

She punches me in the gut with her fist as she growls. “You wouldn't be doing that if a guy kissed you.” 

My smile disappears. “Yeah, you're right. I'll stop smiling.” 

Leah frowns as she looks over at Tegan. “What the hell do you want with us?” she asks angrily. “I only do what I'm supposed to do and nothing else. Nothing for you.” 

“We need to see Angser and Amaranth,” Tegan says with a frown. 

Leah's eyes widen when she looks over at the guy that looks like Zuriel. “Why...” Leah looks up at me in confusion. “He looks like your brother.” 

I nod slowly in agreement. “Yeah, I noticed that too.” 

“Why do you want to see Angser and Amaranth? Who are you?” Leah interrogates suspiciously. 

“Apparently, Zuriel is alive,” I state as I place my hand on Leah's shoulder. 

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. “Is... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” 

“Of course it's a good thing!” Tegan snaps. “It's wonderful! He's the reason the human population is rising!” 

Leah's eyes narrow as she looks over at Tegan. “Have you even seen him since you think he's alive? Are you even sure that him killing vampires is a good thing? For the sake of 'helping humans' I'm guessing.” Leah steps away from me and towards Tegan. “Things like that balance themselves out.” 

Tegan glares at Leah angrily. “I just need to see Angser and Amaranth.” 

Leah frowns in disapproval. “If what you say is true about Zuriel being alive, then you need to stay out of his way, shapeshifter.” 

My brows widen. “Shapeshifter?” 

“One of the Mother's monsters. They're very strong... But they only grow stronger through age like vampires,” Leah mutters.

I sigh as I shake my head and move around Leah to face Tegan. “I'll let you see them if you really need to see them,” I tell her before looking back at Leah. “Leah, if she wants to go after Zuriel then it's not our issue. We have plenty of stuff on our plate as it is, okay? So do they.” 

Leah sighs sadly. “All right... We need to wait till after work, okay? Lunch is almost over, and I don't feel like being fired.” 

I look over at the guy that looks like Zuriel. “Hey, what's your name?” I ask him curiously. 

He frowns deeply. “My name is Helios Swallow.” 

“Hm...” I mumble as I study his face carefully as my eyes narrow. 

There's something about this boy that just isn't right... There's just something so familiar about him. 


“Don't you dare come near me!” I yell angrily as I wave a brush around in front of me as I half-stumble-half-run to the bathroom and slam the door shut. My breathing is rapid and panicked as I lock the door and press my body weight against it. 

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