Chapter Eleven: Sacrifice

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"Maybe if you treated him better you wouldn't be having this problem every time you get a blood slave. You always either kill them or Angser ends up having them. He's treats his blood slaves better. You're selfish, Jacqueline. You're so self-absorbed that you don't care if Zuriel has a family that misses him," I snap. "He wants to see his mother. Let him." 

"No," Jacqueline states. 

"He's not yours anymore. You just said so. It's up to Angser now to see if he'll let Zuriel out to see his family. People will be suspicious." 

"Let them be. It's not my problem," Jacqueline says with a shrug. 

"Oh, yeah because you don't care," I snarl coldly as I feel myself losing control. "You don't care about anything or anyone but yourself. You don't even care about your own baby." 

Jacqueline's eyes roll. "Just get this trash out of my room. He's not even worthy enough to be a goddamn mutt like you." 

My eyes narrow as I watch her leave. That's when I turn my attention on Zuriel. I easily haul him out of the bathroom and into my room since it's closer. Though it's awkward, I clean the blood off Zuriel where he's bleeding from while he lies on his stomach. 

I notice that his lips are bruised and swollen really bad. My eyes narrow as I gently open his mouth and see that his mouth is filled with blood. So Jacqueline must have cut him up with her teeth while she kissed him because Angser didn't do this; he doesn't have fangs. 

I wonder if he'll heal fast since he's not completely human... He has a strange smell. It's stronger than Clipper's, but Clipper seems less human than Zuriel; Zuriel smells less like a human. It's completely backwards. 

My eyes narrow as I bring my wrist to my mouth and bite down hard. It's an experiment to see if he'll get sick. If he gets sick then he's got vampire in him. If he doesn't... Well, I don't know. There's witches, lycans, werewolves, shape shifters, and all sorts of things out there. 

I put my wrist over Zuriel's mouth, but as soon as the first drop goes into his mouth, Zuriel's hands is on my arm with his mouth on my bleeding wrist. 

My eyes widen when I feel his tongue run over my bleeding wrist. His eyes stay closed as he keeps tasting. My jaws clench as I try to ignore the good feeling that overwhlemes me, but it's hard. I can even feel my body beginning to change because he's making my guard go down. 

"Zuriel," I say quietly as I try to pull my wrist free. Terror rushes over me when I feel how strong he is, and I can't get free. 

He's taking way too much from me. 

"Zuriel, stop," I say in a stronger voice as I try to pull away. "Slow down," I order as I begin to really struggle to free my wrist from his grip. 

I raise my other hand and strike Zuriel's face. That's when his eyes fly open. For a split second, I saw Zuriel's left blue eye was normal, but his right brown eye... It was red. 

He blinks and everything is normal. He looks at me with a frown. "Amaryllis?" 

When I look down, I see that his bruises were healed. Everything healed. 

"Interesting..." I mumble quietly to myself. I'm seriously becoming just like Angser. 

"What's interesting?" Zuriel asks in confusion. 

I look back up at him. "Are you feeling sick? Any pain?" 

He frowns as he pauses for a second. "No." 

"Do you remember what just happened?" 

He looks at my bleeding wrist as it heals. "What happened to you?" 

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