Part One. Chapter One: Blood Slave

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 A pet. I can get my own pet today. Daddy says that I can choose my own pet for my birthday. September ninth. 

A slow sadistic smile stretches across my face as I crouch over the ledge of a mall building in the night's fading cover.

My older brother, Angser, stands beside me tapping his foot. "It isn't that hard. Just choose a human. It doesn't really matter who you pick," Angser mutters bitterly. "Hurry up! I'm hungry!" 

"Shut up," I growl. "I want to choose a human that's, at least, somehow not a sore to my eyes. They're all hideous so it's hard..." I mumble as I focus on all the males' faces.

There's always some stupid imperfection about them...their noses are too big, the eyes are too far apart, their skin is covered with blemishes. There's always something wrong with them. 

I see a woman walk out of the mall with bags of baby stuff. She doesn't have a baby bump, but I know she does have a baby inside her. The problem is, the baby inside her is dead. She just doesn't know it yet. 

"I forgot how picky you were about your food," Angser mutters. "I'm surprised Dad is even trusting you with picking your own pet again... You ripped the last one apart all because you got tired of hearing the lisp in his voice when he spoke." 

I sigh in disappointment. "He was, indeed, a very handsome human. It was such a shame that he had such an annoying voice." 

"Hurry up. We don't have all night. The sun will be coming up soon. I can feel it." 

"So can I," I say with a frown as I raise my head to look at the direction the sun will be coming up. "Shut up and let me pick." 

"Make it quick. This is the only time you'll have to pick somebody before Dad does it for you. He's growing impatient." 

Again, I sigh as I study harder on the faces. One's too long... The other is too short. One guy is too fat... The other is too skinny. 

But then I see a black car parked farthest from the mall. A young man steps out with a willowy woman that looks a bit too much of a puppy. Her eyes are too big, but when she looks up at the man, her eyes turn predatory. He doesn't look interested in her one bit, though. 

I examine his left they're so deep and blue. It's interesting. Even in the dark, I can his that his skin is fairly tan with dark, dark brown hair. One side of his bangs covers his other right eye so I can only see his left blue eye. 

His only flaw is that he's too serious. He looks to be about in his early twenties. Most likely, though, he's younger than that. He's a handsome man, though. I watch as the willowy woman flirts and dances around him as they walk towards the mall. I even catch his name thanks to the slut that's with him. 


"Did you find someone?" Angser asks curiously. "You're fixated on someone." 

Just as the couple got closer to the building, the man looks up. His eyes fix directly on me. For a moment, I think he sees me since they're so focused but no. That would be impossible. It's dark outside, and no one can see me or my brother as we stand on this building. 

I can hear his heartbeat. It's slow and calm. The girl that's with him has a heartbeat of a hummingbird; it pounds so fast. 

"Angser..." I say with a smile after I watch human walk into the mall. 


"I think I found the one I want. I found the pet I want," I say with a smug. 

"About time. Who is he? Or is it a she?" Angser asks me. 

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