Chapter Twenty-One: Glasses

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In my classroom, there's a new girl that I have to deal with now, and I know it's Bandit's older sister of sixteen years. She's already trying to start a fight with one of the girls, and I'm too tired to tell them to shut up as I grade more papers since I made everyone take a quiz over musical notes. 

I sit up when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Everyone, shut up," I bark harshly as I glare at the students. But mostly on Brianna, Bandit's sister, who kept on talking back to the student that made her mad. "Brianna," I warn coldly. "I won't tell you again. Shut up." 

She glares at me with her cold green eyes before huffing out a loud sigh as I walk towards the door and open it. 

I nearly grin when I see Ms. Leah standing there with papers in her hand. But I have to act all "business-like" because the kids in the classroom won't take me seriously. 

"What's this?" I ask in confusion as I look down at the papers. 

"It's a field trip thing you need to pass out to your freshman students. I'm taking all of the freshmen to a museum for a history trip thing," Ms. Leah tells me with a smile. 

"Oh? Can I come?" I ask her curiously. 

"You're going to have to work," she tells me as her brown eyes narrow. 

I sigh as I lean against my doorway. "Good God..." I whisper. "So can I take charge of counting and making sure students are all there?" 

Leah rolls her eyes. "I got that down. You can help out with the lunches. You can also find a substitute to replace you for the day. The field trip is on you better find a replacement soon." 

I step out of the doorway to close the door. Leah and I stand out in the hallway alone. I have paper over the little window on my door so my students can't see me... I can't say anything about the cameras in the ceilings though. 

"Are you stalking me, Ms. Leah?" I ask her with a crooked smile. 

She snorts as she slaps the papers against my chest. "As if. Get to work." 

Quickly, I grab her the wrist of the hand she holds the papers with to keep her from walking off. "Why me to go with you on this trip then?" 

"Because everybody else is busy teaching something that students have got to know... Music history really isn't important. It's boring." 

"It really is," I agree with a frown. "But you didn't answer me." 

"Yes, I did," Leah snaps. "You just don't like the answer I gave you. You want me to tell you something different, and there's nothing else different." 

I pout as I look down at her. "Really? You didn't invite me because you like me?" 

Leah laughs as she tries to pull her wrist free from my grip. "No, I didn't invite you because of that." 

"So that means that you do like me then," I state with a smile. 

Leah sighs as she stops struggling and glares up at me. "Let go." 

"Ah, ah, ah," I say as I shake my head. "Say the magic words." 

Her eyes narrow as she turns her head away from her. "Please," she mumbles quietly. 

I lean in close to her. "What was that? I can't hear you." 

"Please, pig," she mutters. 

"Pig? Is that my new nickname or something?" I ask in confusion. 

Her eyes narrow more as she leans away from me. "I guess so, you pig." 

I laugh as I finally let her go.

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