Chapter Twenty-Six: Alive and Miserable

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"Then tell me what happened, Gadriel. I'm your father. I would never do anything to hurt you," Angser says gently as he places his large hand on my shoulder. His red eyes seem to glow more brightly the more I gaze into them. 

"You hurt me already," I state coldly as I move away. "Zuriel is the cause, right? Someone just have to awaken me so I can clean up a mess that I wasn't even part or aware of... Then what happens to me after that?" I ask angrily. "I won't be 'human' anymore? I'll be like you? I won't be able to eat pizza, hamburgers, chocolate milkshakes, all those things ever again? Shit, I've never been drunk or high before, Angser. I haven't even done anything. I'm a goddamn music history teacher at a stupid high school. I see a therapist every week and my appointment was supposed to be today. 

"Am I supposed to help you all get rid of this Zuriel then you turn around and kill me? Last time I heard, nobody likes hybrids. They're illegal. Why would I want to help Vlad Dracula when if he figures out what I am, he would kill me without a second thought?" I ask Angser angrily. When he doesn't have an answer for me, I continue. "Maybe I like just being human. Simply human. Even if it's not real and most of me is sealed away... Maybe I like being vulnerable..." 

Angser's eyes meet mine. "No, you don't. You don't like being weak. You're my son. Of course you don't want to be weak. Amaryllis didn't want to be weak," he states as he clasps my shoulders with both hands. "Gadriel, you're the smartest son I have of my three. Zuriel did have a good head on his shoulders...but he... His emotions were taken because of Amaranth. Silas was raised by his bratty mother, which is the reason why he isn't pleasant to be around...but you..." he trails off as he smiles. "Amaryllis had miscarriage after miscarriage after miscarriage. You were a miracle baby. You're the only one of hers that survived. Please...don't throw this away." 

"I can't," I state. "I'm not strong enough...and you don't even know how to awaken me." 

Angser's head bows. "Yeah... I don't know how..." he admits. "So if you're just quit and not help us... What are you going to do about Leah?" 

My face pains as I look away. "I..." I trail off. 

"You like her, don't you? You like that she isn't one of the majority that will lust for you. You think she's special...and she is. That woman reminds me so much of my mother... Her attitude...her looks. She is special, Gadriel," Angser says with a smile. 

"What are you getting at?" I ask him with a frown. I really don't want to talk about my personal feelings. Of course I like Leah. 

"I'll make you a deal..." Angser trails off. "If I find a way to awaken you, you will help...then I'll protect you from Vlad after wards. I'll even go against Calico for you." 

My eyes widen slightly, but I don't say anything. I'm actually not sure what to do... Leah just made a deal with Amaranth... I know she did. She doesn't want to be a hemophiliac anymore, and it's her choice. I have no right to control her. 

She was right... 

"I..." I trail off. "I guess."

Angser smiles gently. "I bet you're tired. I'll have Amaranth send Leah up here to stay with you." 

"Wait! No!" I object when he heads towards the door. 

He looks back over his shoulder in confusion. "What? She'll have to rest." 

"We...aren't together together, Angser. We're just friends," I say with a frown. "We don't sleep together." 

A dark smile forms on his pale lips. "Well, get to busy, boy. I'll find a way to awaken you so you better make your last human moments wild as hell."

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