Chapter Twenty-Five: Independence

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"So... Who are you then?" Leah asks curiously. 

The woman narrows her eyes as she drives. "Listen, when I drop you two off at the Airport, pretend that you never saw me. I don't exist. You don't know my name, and I want it to stay like that if you don't mind. Where I'm going, I don't want no drama following me. I just want to be alone." 

"I..." I trail off. "Okay. We understand." 

"Good," she says with a nod. 

And we head to the airport, and it takes what seems like forever. At the airport, I figured the woman would say something, but she just drives away after dropping us off while we get on the airplane going to New York. 

"She seemed like she didn't want to be found," Leah mumbles as she looks out the window, waiting for the airplane to go off into the air. 

"Yeah, there must have been something with that baby she's pregnant with, I guess," I say quietly. When I look around me, I notice that there really isn't much people on the airplane. Just Leah and I, a man that looks like he's going on a business trip, a couple of other people, and several single people scattered around. "I wonder why there isn't much people..." I mumble. 

"Vampires," Leah says with a frown. "If you pay attention to statistics, the death rate is now higher than the birth rate. The human population is going down. Most of the population is going down quicker in big cities than rural areas."

"So New York City isn't safe..." I mumble. 

Leah nods. "If anything, people are getting on airplanes to leave New York. Vampires' existence should have been kept a secret. If it had been kept a secret, there wouldn't be so many people dying. Most of the people that die are innocent. It's actually mostly children, teenagers, and elderly people. Some of it is suicide. People step outside their houses deliberately and allow themselves to be killed."

"Why would they do that?" I ask in shock. 

Leah shrugs. "Well, if I were a depressed individual, I wouldn't want people knowing about it. I'd be too ashamed especially if I was having suicide thoughts so what's a better coverup? Allowing myself to be killed by vampires or shooting myself in the head to let everyone know what I was feeling inside?"

"God... Leah..." I mutter. "That's...harsh."

Leah shrugs. "We live in a dystopian world. It's horrible. Vampires shouldn't be doing things to people. But they're rapidly growing...and they shouldn't be growing so fast."

"Zuriel," I growl. 

Leah nods. "Yep. If he's as bad as Silas let off to be, he's probably leaving a trail of newborn baby vamps behind him."

"He's creating a bunch of vamps then..." I mumble. "If there's more predators than prey..." 

"Then the prey will go extinct, and the predators will start moving to other places- repeating the vicious cycle of feeding and creating till there's nothing left..."

"And the predators have nothing to eat...then they're forced to feed on animals," I say quietly. 

"And when they eat all the animals..." 

My eyes close. "Then there's really nothing left."


"Amaranth," I say quietly as I sit in the basement of her house. 

"We're safe, Angser. You can speak freely in my house. No one can hear us," she promises. 

"He's on his way now, right?" I ask with worry. 

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