Chapter Twenty: Gadriel

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Calico comes back but without Angser and with a bloody baby. She stands at the bedroom doorway coming in slowly as she holds the baby's head in place so I couldn't see his face. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her with a frown as she shakes her head. 

"The vampire has turned into a sap. He's not how he use to be... He wanted to bury Amaryllis," Calico mutters. 

I look over at the baby. It's not making any noise so I'm wondering if it's asleep. "What's the baby's name?" 

"It's a boy, and Angser named him Gadriel. If I were you, I wouldn't look him in the eyes," Calico warns. 

"Why not?" I ask with a frown. 

"Because I gave him a curse. Anyone that looks him in the eyes will lust for him." 

My eyes widen as I look at her like she's stupid. "What kind of curse is that?" I snap angrily.

Calico laughs. "Believe me, it will make this boy miserable." 

My eyes narrow as I roll over on my side on the bed. "So what are you going to do with it?" I ask her with a frown. 

"I'm going to put Gadriel in an orphanage somewhere... Do you know any place?" she asks me. 

"Louisiana... It's from where I was born," I mutter as I pull the sheets up to my chin as my eyes close. 

"That explains your Cajun accent. So... Louisiana it is. I'll drop him off there. After that, I don't give a damn about this boy. Whatever happens to him, happens." 

"Doesn't he have vampire, werewolf, and lycan in him? Wouldn't that be dangerous?" I ask her. 

"Well, I put a seal on him so it'll be like he's human when he's not. If it breaks and something or someone makes him snap, hopefully it'll kill him because if that happens, Vlad Dracula will not be the only one you need to worry about. The boy is going to be strong if he survives the seal breaking, and he will come for Angser. It's also a matter of time, though. All hybrids eventually die just like Amaryllis. She was going to die anyways pregnant or not." 

I sigh at the old news of Amaryllis. "That's why you should just kill him," I say casually. "This witch stuff is too confusing." 

"You wouldn't understand. All you have to do is worry about getting use to vampire blood. Like I said before, that's going to take years." 

"I'll get use to it," I tell her. "Now let me sleep. I'm tired." 

"You're too human," she mutters coldly before disappearing to drop Gadriel in Louisiana while I quickly drift off. 

When I wake, I wake to see Calico sitting on top of me almost completely naked. She still had on bra and panties. 

"Did you drop the kid off?" I ask with a frown. 

She smiles crookedly. "Yes. Not only that but I got Angser here. It's time to eat," she says as she climbs off me. 

That's when I see Angser sitting on the edge of the bed glaring at me. 

"I should have ripped you apart when I had the chance," Angser snaps coldly. 

A sadistic smile curls the corners of my mouth. "Didn't you love my mother though?" I ask him with a sneer. 

His eyes narrow. "I did. Vampires and humans do not mix well. Vampires and witches don't either, and Gadriel will come. The seal will break, and he will not die."

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