Chapter Eighteen: Blood Tears

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I laugh bitterly as I try to stay on my feet, but it feels strange. Even now, I just don't feel anything emotionally. "You don't own me, bitch," I say coldly. 

My son... Clipper... He's gone. I've taken over his body and made it my own. I feel like I'm stealing something from him... Now I'll have to go back to Amaranth... I need to go back to her. I'd rather be a slave to her than Calico. 

She's a witch. She's not as fast as me. 

Quickly, I'm outside the house in a blink of an eye. Even though I'm running away, I can hear Calico laughing as I run away from the house. 

"You can run all you want, Zuriel," she says quietly. "I'm the oldest and first witch. I'll get you." 

And I keep running till I reach the cathedral Angser stays at. 

When I open the door and try to step inside, I can't go inside. It's like there's an invisible wall blocking my entrance. 

My heart pounds in my chest as I push against the barrier- this invisible barrier that's blocking my way through.

"Angser!" I yell as I try to force myself in the cathedral. "Let me in! Invite me!" I plead as I literally begin to claw at the invisible wall. The sun was actually beginning to burn me. I'm not in pain, but it makes me uncomfortable. 

"Come in," Angser whispers but he's not at the doorway. He must have heard me because I hear him. 

The invisible wall breaks down, and I stumble inside before slamming the door shut. 

Then I'm slam against the wall with a hand on my throat. 

"Who the hell are you?" Angser growls as he looks up at me. "Zuriel is dead." 

I cough as I grip his wrist. "It' This is...Clipper's body," I whisper as I try to breathe. 

Angser's brow arches. "There's no way in hell. Zuriel is dead...not Clipper." 

My eyes tear up automatically for some reason as I look down at Angser. "He's...dead now..." I don't know why I'm crying. I don't feel anything.

Angser lowers me down to the floor hesitantly before leaning in slowly towards my face till our noses are almost touching. His red eyes look like they're searching for something as he looks into mine. His brows are scrunched together in pure confusion. He shakes his head slowly as he touches my cheek gently. "There's no way," he whispers as his hand slides down my cheek and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. 

I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly as he hugs me. "I don't know how," I whisper, "but I'm here." 

"You... You look and feel like a vampire, but you don't smell like one," he says quietly as he breathes in my scent. 

"Dad," I whisper so quietly that it's barely audible. I even feel Angser's body tense up. 

He pulls away to look at me. He shakes his head slightly as he silently hushes me. 

I change the subject. "Is Jacqueline here?" 

He frowns deeply. "Yes along with her son Silas." 

The memory hits me suddenly... Angser got Jacqueline pregnant. So they had a son...Silas. 

"Is he..." I trail off. "Like her?" 

Angser sighs. "Yeah. He's a brat," he mutters coldly as his eyes narrow. 

"Who the hell are you calling a brat?" a voice barks. 

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