Chapter Four: Pure Blood

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While Mom sleeps, I move off the couch easily so I don't wake her and check on Clipper as he plays with Gwen. 

“Hey, aren't you supposed to be in school?” I ask Gwen with a frown. 

She looks up at me like I'm stupid. “Dude, it's Saturday. Last time I checked, we don't go to school on Saturdays.” 

“Well, jeez, sorry,” I mutter as I step out. 

When I'm back in my room, Jacqueline is out of the closet and going through a picture album with a deep frown on her face. 

My eyes widen in alarm as I quickly shut the door. “You need to get back in the closet!” I whisper loudly. 

Jacqueline snorts. “I'm a vampire. A vampire like me shouldn't have to hide in a human's closet. I'm better than that.” 

My eyes narrow. “No, my closet is too good for you.” 

Jacqueline huffs out a sigh in frustration. “God, I swear... You should have just been a cum stain on sheets... You shouldn't have been conceived into the annoying being you are today.” 

My eyes widen in rage at her cold remark. “I thought you didn't know about what guys do when they're excited.” 

She frowns. “I know what gets a woman pregnant, stupid ass.”  

Growing tired of her insulting me, I sigh in frustration. “Leave. Now. I can't stand you. I can't stand the sight of you or the sound of your voice so get out,” I order as my arms fold across my chest. 

“Not until the sun goes down... Tonight, you will be coming with me.” 

“Uh, the hell I will. I'm not going anywhere with you,” I growl as I look down at her. 

“These pictures...” Jacqueline mutters with a frown. “You look nothing like your sisters.” 

“Did you not hear what I just said? I'm not going anywhere with you!” I snap in frustration. 

Jacqueline looks up at me. “You don't have a choice, human. You belong to me. Is that not going through that thick skull of yours? Or should I remind you by painting your bedroom walls in your son's blood?” 

My face pales as I look away. “Where are we going?” I ask quietly. 

“My brother wants to meet you. He's interested in why I've picked you as my blood slave. Honestly, I'm not sure why I even picked you either. You should apologize to me for making me so irritated, and you should be grateful that I haven't ripped your tongue out.” 

“I will never apologize to a vampire. Ever,” I vow coldly. 

Jacqueline shrugs. “Over the years, I've learned to never say never. It's bad luck,” she says as she turns the pages in the picture album. “Why do you look different from your sisters?” 

“They all share the same father except me,” I tell her. 

“Who is your father?” 

“I don't know,” I say with a shrug. 

Jacqueline's eyes shift up to look at me as she sits on her knees on my bed. The black dress she wears looks uncomfortable. “I seem to see a lot of children grow up without one parent...humans really need to start caring for their children. They breed like rabbits. Why is your son without a mother?” 

“Because the mother is not capable of being one,” I answer coldly. 

“Then why would you fornicate with this woman in the first place? You wouldn't be carrying this extra baggage you call Clipper.”

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