Chapter Sixteen: Fortune Faded

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I can hear Amaryllis's shallow breathing miles before she ever reaches the cathedral we live in, and when she makes it inside and to my room, she collapses on the floor by my bed. 

With concern, I'm at Amaryllis's side quickly placing my hand on her clammy cheek as her eyes droop. 

"What happened?" I ask her quietly. I'm not really in shock that she's so weak. She's been weakening for a while now. I've just been doing my best to take care of her. 

"Clipper wants to talk," she whispers quietly as she closes her eyes. "I just want to rest for a while..."

My brows scrunch together. Last year was bad, but this year, it's been so much worse. She can't even do much in human form, but I've noticed that the weaker she gets in her human form, the stronger she gets when she turns into her hybrid form. The cage for the dogfights is completely bent up so I can't do those anymore. Now I'm just raising lycans downstairs. 

"Do I need to talk to Amaranth about this?" I ask with worry as I lift Amaryllis's thin body in my arms and lay her gently on my bed. 

She shakes her head weakly. "No... I don't want to get involved with witches. I'm finished with them.” 

I frown deeply as I walk around the bed to climb on the other side and lie beside Amaryllis. "I can do something about this, Amaryllis. I can find out what's going on with you." 

"I don't care!" she snaps as she looks over at me. "I just don't want to get involved with witches anymore. I'm tired of it. Look how that worked out for Zuriel! I swear I'd rather go through the worst pain unimaginable than go to a goddamn witch. All they do is make what you thought was unimaginable pain a million times worse than before.” 

"Amaranth will take care of his soul," I state. 

“'Amaranth will take care of his soul,'” Amaryllis mocks angrily. “That's bullshit.” She frowns deeply. "Actually, Clipper asked if Amaranth was taking care of Zuriel. Is she really? Do you even know for certain?" 

A frown forms on my lips as I narrow my eyes. "Well, I don't know... I suppose I should ask her next time I see her..." 

"Who cares?" Jacqueline snaps as she busts into my room with narrowed eyes. "The bastard is dead. How about we drop the subject of him for good."

"You're only mad because you actually liked him," I growl. "Or, at least, you liked fornicating with him." 

"You did, too, so shut the hell up," Jac snaps. 

"Where's my son?" I ask bitterly. "Picking up your bad habits? Acting like a total brat like you? Killing blood slaves? Drinking them dry?"

Jac shrugs. "I don't know. He went off last night, but where ever he is, he couldn't come home since the sun came up. He'll be back tonight."

My eyes narrow. "Clipper will be coming tonight. You need to put Silas on a leash when he comes home."

"I'm not putting Silas on a leash!" Jac yells angrily as her red eyes glow. "He can do whatever he likes. I don't care. He's your bastard. I only gave birth to him."

"Yeah and filled him up with your venom," I growl darkly before she walks out of my room. 

"I absolutely despise her... I gave up trying to be nice a long time ago," Amaryllis mutters coldly as she stares up at the ceiling tiredly. 

My eyes soften as I gently stroke her clammy forehead. "You shouldn't have a care in the world, love," I tell her gently before leaning in and kissing her forehead.

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