Chapter Five: Angser

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I wander the corridors of the cathedral. The place is huge. The windows have been painted black, but there's chandeliers hanging from the ceiling giving some light to the place. The carpet is red...there's a few drops of black paint in some places... 

This church is creepy as hell. 

When I finally reach a staircase, the stairs are also carpeted with red. The white walls had a bit of dried blood spatters on them. There's even a few bloody hand prints that are smeared.

"Jesus," I whisper to myself as I walk down the steps slowly. 

Downstairs where the lobby or some sort of cafeteria should be is where the blood slaves were gathered. In here, it looks more like a hospital room only there's no beds but there's round tables. There's a place to get food behind this bar-looking thing. The florescent lights really make this place look more modern. 

The blood slaves in here were mostly women, but there's men here, too. In all, there looks to be about thirty to forty blood slaves in here. Some of them are actually teenagers. The girls wear this tight spandex clothing around their torsos and covering their breasts and privates. At least Angser had the decency to give the girls something to cover those parts up. 

The men wear something similar to what I'm wearing. Bare-footed like the girls, leather/spandex black pants with drawstrings instead of a zipper and a button. 

Most of the men were tired looking, but not the women. That makes sense since women are accustomed to losing blood. It's still disgusting that Angser drinks their... 

I notice something. There's no bite marks on any of them. On a few males, there's bites marks but that's it. Most of the scars on their bodies look like slashes from what could be a knife or something sharp; it's not like the teeth marks on my legs from Jacqueline. 

I watch them as they all talk and socialize with each other while I walk over to a round table and sit down in a metal chair. 

My eyes close as I try to think of some way of getting home. I need to take care of my mother; she took care of me countless of times. I remember when I use to lay my head on her lap while watching bad Sci-Fi movies...sometimes we would watch chick flicks. It was our thing. Every Saturday, we would buy a bunch of junk food and binge while watching scary movies. I miss those was my alone-time with my mom. 

"Hello." I hear a quiet voice across the table. 

My eyes open slowly to see a girl with wild hair that's redder than my mother's. She's short, skinny, and looks like she's about sixteen. Her skin is fair with no slash marks. She's not necessarily pretty. Normal, I suppose. She wears a black, oversized tank top that looks like a short dress on her. She has fatigued green eyes with dark circles underneath. 

"Hey," I say quietly as she takes a seat in front of me. 

"Were you meditating?" she asks me curiously. Now that she's talking louder, I can hear how hoarse her voice sounds. 

"Uh...thinking about the past really," I admit. 

She nods as she sits her chin on the tabletop. "You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" 

"Not at all." 

"You're new here, aren't you?" she asks me. 

"Yes. I belong to Jacqueline," I tell her. 

The girl frowns deeply. "Angser's younger sister? I'm surprised she finally has another blood slave. She ripped the last one apart in front of everyone because he had a lisp." 

My eyes widen in horror. "I heard about that...” 

The girl nods slowly. "Where did you come from? Upstairs?" 

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