Chapter Three: Mistake

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It hurts. Goddamn, it hurts so fucking bad. Her teeth grow longer and sink deeper into the flesh of my inner thigh. As she drinks and drinks, I feel myself growing lightheaded. But then...something changes. The pain, the burning sensation... It turns into something else. Something completely different, and it takes my breath away. 

"Wha..." I mumble as my eyes roll in the back of my head. Jacqueline growls as my body begins to relax. 

Holy hell... This is...complete...ecstasy, but it hurts at the same time. My crotch aches and just having the fabric of my boxers against it hurts. Jacqueline is not very far from it. She could just pull my boxers down and... 

My teeth grit together. Wow. I'm already acting like a damn blood slave. 

I've had enough of this shit. 

With surprising willpower, I sit up and try to move my leg from Jacqueline, but she bites down harder. For some damn reason that actually makes me moan at how great it feels. Why does it feel so good? She's just biting me and drinking my blood... 

But the pleasure builds and builds and builds till I can't take it... It actually embarrasses me and angers myself at the fact that I'm enjoying this.

Jacqueline lets out a throaty laugh as she releases my thigh. "See? That wasn't so bad, wasn't it?" 

I hear her, but I'm breathing too hard to speak. I just made a mess in my boxers, and it ain't piss. 

Fucking vampire bitch. 

"I need to go back..." I whisper as I try to get off the bed. 

"No, you aren't," Jacqueline snaps as she sinks her teeth back into my thigh but in a different spot. 

This time, it happens immediately. I'm rendered helpless as I moan and enjoy the feeling. No wonder people like this. It feels good... It's better than sex. But I wouldn't go as far as Val. I wouldn't begin to think vampires are "kind" or "nice." 

This is one vicious vampire... 

I try to think of something else... What would my mom say about this? She's the one who said that being a blood slave is terrible. I'm more afraid of my mom than this damn vampire. I wouldn't even care if she was the spawn of Satan. 

Mom is scarier. 

I don't have any friends so I wouldn't know if anyone is going through this now. I graduated high school, but I don't talk to the people I went to school with anymore. They were cool, I guess, but I wasn't really the sociable type. Sure, a couple of people dropped out of school because some became blood slaves... It's a weird world. It's always been. 

I'm actually a pretty normal guy... I just don't really care for making friends. Have I thought about it? Maybe, but I'm not going to be friends with a damn vampire. 

I refuse to be this vampire's blood slave... No matter how good it feels. 

Then there's this vampire, who basically came out of nowhere. She knows my name. Has she been following me? Has she been watching where I have been? Obviously, she's been protecting me. But why would a vamp kill another vamp? 

Is she a pure vampire? 

Who cares? A vampire is a vampire. 

This blood thirsty vampire keeps drinking and drinking till I feel myself growing lightheaded. Eventually, I lose consciousness.

When I wake, I'm lying on my bed completely stiff and sore from whatever happened. I sit up slowly, but when I do, my head pounds painfully. 

"Holy crap..." I groan as I place my hands over each temple. Jesus Christ... 

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