Chapter Twenty-Two: Strange Eyes

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She glares at me as soon as she puts on her glasses. "Why the hell are you wearing your sunglasses when it's super dim in here and dark outside?" 

"I told you... I'm just not comfortable," I tell her with a frown. 

"With me seeing your eyes?" she asks as she looks at me suspiciously. 

I nod slowly. "Yeah..." 

She sighs as she shakes her head. "Your eyes can't be that bad. I don't know why you're making such a big deal over it." 

My eyes narrow. "Just focus on stopping your bleeding, hemophiliac." 

"Pig," she snaps. 




"Narcissistic womanizer with a personality disorder," she says super quickly. 

My brow arches. "I'm a womanizer? I always thought it was the other way around," I mumble. 

She laughs as she holds the toilet paper to her nose. She laughs so hard that she starts snorting, then she laughs even harder because she snorted. Her laughter actually makes me laugh because she reminds me of a little kid, which isn't really what I expected her laugh to be like. I thought that would even be uptight and controlled, but she's crying and snorting while laughing on a toilet with toilet paper up her nose. 

"Oh my God, Oh my God," she chants through her uncontrollable laughter. "I can't...stop...laughing..!" she yells in pain as she holds on to her stomach while snorting and crying. 

My hand presses over my mouth to keep myself from laughing at her. 

Leah suddenly leans forward so that she can stop her stomach from hurting, but when she does that, she just loses control and falls forward onto me, knocking me against the bathroom wall while Leah is between my legs with her face pressed against my stomach laughing. 

My head hit the wall so hard that my sunglasses fell off. So not knowing when Leah will raise her head, I close my eyes tightly. My body tenses at the sudden change of positions. Then the fear sinks in. 

She's not going to end up doing what all people do to me in the end, is she? Is she one of those people where it just takes longer for them to, I don't know, want me? 

When Leah calms, she raises her head off my shirt that is now soaked with her tears and saliva, which really doesn't bother me for some reason.

"Sorry," she mumbles. "I couldn't stop laughing." 

"Um..." I trail off. "Do you know where my sunglasses are?" 

"Your sunglasses..? Oh, you're not wearing them. Well... I can just take my glasses off," she tells me. 

"Okay. Do that... I really need to find them," I say quickly with a slight edge of panic in my voice. 

"They're off," she tells me. 

I open my eyes slowly, and what I see makes me want to strangle Leah till she stops breathing. 

She's still wearing her glasses. And I feel stupid for not thinking that completely through. She could have been lying, and she did lie. She just wanted to see my eyes, but since she's looking me right in the eyes now... 

I will lose my chance at ever meeting someone who actually doesn't care about my eyes...or someone who doesn't want to touch me all the damn time. 


My eyes widen as I look through the lens of my glasses into Gadriel's strange eyes. Both of them are black and red. The colors swirl around each other, never mixing. His pupils aren't visible till the red swirls around them. His eyes are...captivating. They draw me in. 

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