Chapter 1

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Nine months. 

It had been nine months since Luz had left the oddly comforting shelter of the Boiling Isles. Nine months since she had gone "home", back to the concrete confines of the human realm. Nine months since she'd left Eda and her friends. Nine months since she'd left Amity.... Amity! Luz felt her face light up at the thought of the green-haired witch. Her smile, her laugh, the way she made Luz feel like the entire world had melted away when she held her hand. The idea of being with her again made Luz feel all warm and fuzzy, she was going to see her again... Luz's heart was hammering so hard she was afraid that it would explode right from her chest, the excitement she felt... knowing that she would finally be with her once more... finally. Fumbling through her drawers, she brought out her purple, cat hoodie and pulled it over her scruffy, brown hair. She struggled for a few more minutes as she pulled on her black leggings (which were getting way too small) and her denim shorts. She looked herself over in the mirror, shooting herself some finger guns, a smirk spreading across her face.

"Still got it Noceda!" she said to herself, placing a finger gun under her chin.

"Mija!" she heard her mother call from downstairs. "You're going to be late!"

"Coming Mama!" she called back, grabbing her backpack and sleeping bag.

"Oh almost forgot!"

Luz turned on her heel and, running over to her half made bed, she grabbed the 7th "Good Witch Azura" book from her under bedside table.

"MIJA!" Camilla called louder this time.

"I'M COMING!" Luz yelled, a smile spreading across her face.

Jumping down two stairs at a time, Luz made her way down to the living room. She could hear that her mother was in deep conversation with someone by the front door, an occasional laugh drifting over to her ears. As Luz turned the corner, her eyes caught on a wild mane of scraggly, gray hair. Luz could hardly contain her excitement. Pushing past her mother she threw herself at the stranger on the other side of the door.

"EDA!" she exclaimed. 

Eda chuckled, ruffling Luz's hair. 

"Hey there kiddo! Miss me?"

Luz rolled her eyes. "What kind of a question is that?"

That bought another chuckle from the gray, haired witch. Luz pulled away, looking at her mentor, she didn't look too different from when she last saw her, she had maybe gained a few wrinkles but that was to be expected. A large smile spread across her face before her eyes caught on a bouquet of bright, red roses. 

"Oh, and who are those from?" Luz asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Eda's eyes widened, her face flustered. "N-no-one!"

Luz laughed and was about to mock Eda, when her mom stopped her. 

"Mija," she said, her voice oddly shaky. "I think you two need to hurry up, it's almost noon."

Luz sighed in defeat. "Okay Mama." 

Camila pulled her into a warm hug. "Have fun Mija! See you next week!"

Luz kissed her mother's cheek, before she pulled away and adjusted her backpack. 

"Te amo mama, hasta pronto!"

Eda rubbed her knuckle on Luz's head. "Come on kiddo, we better get going, all your friends are waiting for you."

Luz grinned from ear to ear. The urge to see Amity increasing by the minute. 


Eda rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yes, now come on!" she said, grabbing Luz by the hoodie and dragging her towards the abandoned shack Luz had first came through.

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