Chapter 18

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Luz never left Amity's side, watching to make sure that the witch was okay. Their hands were still tightly locked, when the door swung open, causing Luz to spin around. Willow smiled softly, waving at the human, beckoning for the others to do the same.

"Hey Luz," she said sweetly. "We thought we'd pop by for a visit if that's okay?"

Luz grinned, before gently shaking Amity's good shoulder and whispering something in her ear. The youngest Blight sat up slightly, turning to face the crowd at the door. She smiled at them weakly, her hand shaking slightly in Luz's grasp.

"Hi guys," she greeted them, holding onto Luz's arm for support. "Gods it's so good to see you all again."

The twins smirked playfully at their sister, slowly stepping forward to stand beside her bed. Amity sighed and took a deep breath, the air thick with the scent of chemicals. Emira gently ruffled her hair and laughed.

"Aw Mittens did you miss us?" she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Amity giggled, rolling her eyes at her sister's antics.

"Ya, ya..." she said joyfully. "I missed you more than you'd think."

Edric smiled from ear to ear, resting his elbow on Emira's shoulder, much to her annoyance.

"It's great to have you back Mittens," he said, making Amity smirk.

"Ya well, I hope I didn't miss anything while I was," she said, making Ed blush. "Have you told them about Jerbo yet?"

Edric flushed a bright red, gritting his teeth and trying to cover his face I'm his hands. Emira gasped, smiling knowingly at her brother.

"Oh my gods, I knew it!" she exclaimed, punching him roughly in the shoulder.

"Ouch," he grimaced. "Oh and what about you and Viney, Em?"

Emira stuttered, trying to defend herself, her ears bright pink.

"Ya that's what I thought," he smirked, crossing his arms.

Boscha chuckled from behind the group, stepping forward from the shadows and into the light.

"You guys are terrible," she laughed. "Taking all the attention away from the real elephant in the room."

Luz raised her eyebrow, staring at Boscha in confusion.

"Where did you even get that from?" she asked. "I thought it was just a human thing."

Boscha shrugged.

"Yeah well, you talk a lot, if you haven't realized," she laughed, her hand on her hip.

"I.... That still doesn't explain... But, go on?" she said quizically, waiting for Boscha to get to the point.

Boscha smirked at her, raising one of her three pink eyebrows. Luz suddenly realized what she had meant, her heart pounding against her chest.

"I.... Boscha! I don't.... We... Well..." she stumbled, too shocked to say anything more.

"Well are you?" she asked, looking between both Luz and Amity.

Amity suddenly turned bright red, her ears twitching awkwardly, her and Luz both left speechless. The twins immediately caught on and turned expectantly to the flustered girls, smirks plastered on their faces. Luz looked at Amity, who stared back at her for a moment, her golden eyes wide, before nodding softly. Luz took a deep breath. It felt as if she was finally lifting a massive weight off of her shoulders, as if every milestone had been building up to this moment. She turned to face her friends, trying to calm her nerves, sweat formig on her brow.

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