Chapter 5

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Luz's eyes fluttered open to the warm, light of the sun shining through the window. She rubbed her eyes, to see Amity cuddled up into her chest. Luz turned bright red, her stomach in a swirl. She smiled, carefully pushing the Blight's green hair out of her face. Luz sighed in daze, placing her hand on Amity's cheek.

"I love you...." she whispered softly, so softly that only she could hear. "I wish I could tell you.."

She pulled her hand away, staring down at the sleeping witch. She  smiled gently, trying to drift back to sleep, placing her chin on Amity's head, there were still a few hours before school started, they should try and get as must rest as possible.

The hours seemed to pass like minutes, when Amity began to stir awake, Luz still fast asleep at her side. Feeling Luz cuddled up against her, made her blush, her ears twitching. Luz let out a yawn, stretching out her arms.

"Morning, Ams..." she sighed, half asleep.

Amity grinned, shifting up the mattress. "Morning, Luz."

Luz opened her chocolate, brown eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light. 

"I guess we should get ready," Luz yawned once again.

"Mhmm," Amity said, sitting up, pulling the blanket off of the human.

"Amity!" she groaned in complaint, making the witch laugh.

"Get up, Noceda!" she giggled, rolling her eyes.

"Five more minutes..." 

Amity stoops down and raised her pillow, before bringing it down on Luz, making her jump.

"Okay I'm up!" she exclaimed, laughing as Amity offered her a hand.

"That's what I thought," she smirked. "Do you still have your uniform?"

Luz nodded. "Yup! Eda kept it aside for when I came back."

Amity's face suddenly dropped, dread filling her stomach.

"Ams?" Luz asked worriedly.

Amity stared at the floor. "You said you were going back next week didn't you?"

Luz nodded. "Ya?"

Amity looked back at her, tears in her eyes.

"When are you coming back...."

Luz pulled her into a hug.

"Ams don't you see, I'm staying here."

Relief washed over Amity, she couldn't help but laugh with relief.

"Oh thank the gods, I thought I was going to lose you again..."

Luz squeezed her tighter. "Never, you're not getting rid of me that easily, sorry for you."

Amity grinned from ear to ear, Luz was here to stay. Luz opened the door, and was about to leave when she turned to Amity. 

"Have you got your uniform?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Amity drew a quick spell circle, and her school uniform fell into her arms.

"Great," Luz smiled, marveling the spell. "Do you want me to wait outside?"

Amity shook her head. "It's fine, I can manage."

Luz closed the door behind her, rushing down the stairs to get her uniform. Amity smiled like an idiot, her face a mixture of emotions as she thought of the night before. The dance, Luz inviting her to the human realm, the way they cuddled as the night went on, she had never felt so happy. She stared down at her uniform, trying to wipe away all the years of bad memories associated with them... her parents locking her in her room after she came home with a measly B+, the twins sneaking her food and kind words of encouragement, her forced relationship with Boscha and Skara... she shook her head. No, all of that was in the past, now was the present, and she was stronger than ever before. She pulled on her uniform, and redid her hair, a her face now clear of any emotion, she straightened out her dress, smoothing out the stray wrinkles that made their way across it's surface. Once she had tied her shoes, she opened the door of the bedroom, making her way to the living room, the flowers from last night still on the table. She sat down on the sofa, her hands on her lap, waiting for Luz to arrive, after about a five minutes, Luz reappeared in her uniform, she had grown a bit taller since the last time she had gone to the school, but the uniform seemed to fit her just fine. She smiled at Amity, before sitting down beside her.

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