Chapter 15

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TW: swearing and violence

Luz woke up bright and early the next morning, more eager than ever to find Amity. She pulled on her clothes and ran down the front steps of the Owl House, her mind a frantic mess. A cold morning breeze sent shivers down her spine, making her wrap her arms around herself in an attempt to warm up, her breaths creating puffs of fog in the early morning air. The market square was empty, apart from a few sketchy sellers who had already set up their stalls and were eyeing her warily, but only one thing was on her mind. Amity. She scanned the abandoned warehouses and buildings around her, sitting on the pavement, waiting for her friends to arrive. A wind blew through the square, shaking the stalls and creating an ominous echo to erupt from the buildings. Luz shuddered, imagining Amity hidden away in one of them. So close but so far away. She sighed, trying to calm her nerves. She had to find her soon. She ran her fingers through her hair, burying her face in her hands once again. It seemed like hours before the others began to arrive.

"Hey Luz!" Willow called, waving at the human, the rest of the group following behind her. "You okay?"

Luz nodded, glancing over at the buildings once again.

"Ya, just anxious to start I guess..." she said, her hand on her chin. "I hope she's holding out okay..."

"She'll be fine Luz... she's strong that witch," Boscha said reassuringly. "She's probably got Mattholomule tearing the walls apart because she won't cooperate."

Luz stared at her, worry in her face.

"Yes but that's the thing... you have no idea what he's like when he's mad... if I'm being honest... I'm terrified thinking of what he could have done to her..."

The twins frowned at each other, looking sympatihetically at Luz. Emira smiled before gently placed a hand on Luz's shoulder.

"I know it's hard... and I know that we have no clue he could have done... but we will find her. Today. I promise."

"I sure hope so... otherwise it may be too late..."

Edric rolled his eyes.

"Listen, that dick might have done some messed up things, but I doubt that he'd actually have the gut to kill someone, especially Amity."

Luz raised an eyebrow.

"And by especially you mean..." she asked, making Edric look awkwardly at the floor.

"Well, here's the thing. Shortly after you left, Mattholomule began to get weird around Amity. Casting her looks and constantly trying to get closer to her. It was... unsettling..." he said, making Luz look at him expectantly.

"Go on..." she said curiously.

"He... he cornered her after school. I don't know exactly how he did it or what his exact words were but um... he asked her to go out with him, give him a chance..."

Luz felt sick at the thought, staring at Edric in disbelief.

"And? What happened?"

Edric sighed, ruffling his hair nervously.

"Well you know Mittens. She told him no, explained that she..." he started,  before stopping himself. "Needless to say, he didn't take it well. But mark my words, he would never kill her, not even someone like Mattholomule would forgive himself."

Luz sighed, crossing her arms.

"Ya, but that doesn't stop him from hurting her. The way he was smiling at her pain in the alley it... it was disgusting.... he's a complete psychopath..."

Emira frowned with concern, anger filling her face.

"Well that's why we're going to beat his ass. No one messes with our sister."

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