Chapter 20

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It was many hours before any other sound could be heard in the Blight manor, the sounds of hushed voices and steady footsteps rushing up the stairs of the mansion and through the hallway. Amity ears twitched at the sudden noise, her brain racked with fear. She sat bolt upright in the bed, her body shaking, waking Luz in the process. With her chocolate brown eyes wide, Luz quickly sat up beside Amity, clenching her arm. 

"What is it Ams?" she whispered worriedly, her hair sticking out at all angles.

Amity raised a finger to the human's lips, before slipping out from underneath the covers and edging towards the door, her hand raised, ready to cast a spell.

"Amity!" Luz called from behind her, her voice still a whisper. "Please... don't go and check. I don't want anything to happen to you... just come back... please!"

Amity's body relaxed as she tiptoed over to the bed and climbed in beside Luz who quickly put her head on Amity's chest. The witch smiled softly, putting her arms around Luz and resting her chin on the top of her head. Her breathing was shallow, memories were already beginning to flood back in, causing her to choke. Luz immediately pulled away and looked up at Amity, who's golden eyes shone with fear.

"Hey Ams, it's okay! I was just scared of what would happen... but we're perfectly safe. It's probably just the twins."

As if in response, the twins opened the door, sticking their heads through the crack to peer at the two girls.

"Oh gods, sorry bout that Mittens. We didn't mean to freak you guys out, we thought you'd be asleep," Edric said apologetically.

Amity took a deep breath, turning around to face them.

"Well we were, but I guess I'm still on edge. Your footsteps seriously scared the shit out of me."

Luz put a protective arm around her shaking girlfriend, who smiled in return, drawing the blanket over herself as she shivered.

"Sorry Mittens, really, we would never try to... well you know, bring it back. So um, we'll just be in our rooms if you need us, try get back go sleep," Emira said, smiling softly as she shut the door behind her .

After they had left, Luz turned to Amity once again, taking her hands gently in hers.

"Ams, if there's anything else bothering you..." she started but Amity shook her head.

"It's fine Luz I promise. I was just a bit startled is all..." she said, trying to smile but Luz didn't buy it.

"Amity please. There's no use in holding it in, it will only hurt you..." Luz said, cupping Amity's cheek. "I don't want you to have to go through anything else alone, okay? You should never have to do that. I love you Amity, and I will always be here for you, no matter what. But I need you to talk to me. Okay?"

A tear traced down Amity's cheek and fell swiftly onto her lap, Luz's hand still resting on her cheek.

"I... I'm just scared Luz... My mom... Odalia could have done much worse. She could've hurt you and that's been nagging at my mind since the first day that I met you. And my dad..... I have no idea what happened to him. He was the only one that was good to us... and now he's gone too. Everyone who ever loved me is gone, except for you and I'm just scared that..." Amity stared up into Luz's eyes as more tears rolled down. "I'm scared that you'll go too. That something will happen to you and you'll leave me... I don't know what I would do..."

Luz stared at her, as she began to sob, dropping her head so that her eyes were fixed on the mattress below her, not daring to look up. Luz instinctively moved towards her. She put her hand on her head and sat with her arms around the witch who soon buried her face into Luz's chest as she had so many times before. 

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