Chapter 9

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The rest of the week seemed like it would last forever, at least they wanted it to. Alexis and her friends had been apprehended shortly after the incident, both her and her boyfriend being taken to court. It had been a challenge to get Amity to her podium but the case was won in the end, just leaving Amity to heal from her wounds. The rest of the week wasn't uneventful however, the girls spent their time binging movies and shows in Netflix, much to Amity's delight. They had found a way to get Amity from the living room to Luz's bedroom and vice versa, to make it easier for Luz to keep an eye on the witch. It was early on a Friday morning, and Luz and Amity sat on Luz's bed, music streaming from her phone. Amity had begun to grow familiar with the songs and soon she was humming along with Luz. They sat there together, illuminated by a thin sliver of light that made it's way through the window, revealing Amity's head resting on Luz's shoulder. Luz tenderly ran a finger over the bruise that made its home on Amity's pale face, making the Blight sigh. Both wished that the moment would never end, but both too scared to say anything to the other. 

"This is nice..." Luz said suddenly, the words slipping from her tongue before she could stop herself.

Amity nodded softly. "Ya," she mumbled, nuzzling up against Luz's neck. "It is."

Luz blushed, a grin on her face. She could feel Amity's warm breath against her neck, making her heart flutter uncontrollably. She put one arm around Amity's side, giving her a quick squeeze. Amity winced, letting out a small huff of pain.

"Oh god, sorry Ams," Luz apologized frantically, immediately loosening her grip. 

"No, no, it's fine, just a bit sensitive, this damned rib," she muttered under her breath, making Luz chuckle.

Amity stared up at her, her golden eyes shining. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just cute when you're angry," Luz laughed, receiving a punch in the arm from Amity.

"Oh shut up," she blushed, making Luz laugh harder. 

Amity's ears suddenly perked up as a new song came on. 

"What song is this?" she asked, listening to the song blaring through Luz's phone.

"Oh this?" Luz smiled. "This is Tunnel Vision."

Amity grinned sweetly. "I love it."

"I love you..." Amity had wanted to say, but she shook off the idea, it was foolish to think Luz would feel the same.

The hours seemed to pass like seconds, and soon Camila was calling them for lunch. Luz climbed out of bed before extending a hand to Amity. She carefully took it and managed to find her footing, wincing as she stood on her other foot.

"Hurts," she exclaimed, gritting her teeth.

"I know Ams, I know, just hold onto me okay? Don't let go."

Amity nodded, wrapping her arms around Luz's neck, and slowly making her way down the stairs. Camila helped her over to the table, pulling out her chair and sitting her down.

"Thank you," Amity said graciously.

Camila smiled warmly, giving her a soft hug. 

"I'm just happy that you're feeling better."

Amity returned her smile, as Luz sat down beside her, licking her lips. Amity looked down to see a fresh plate of home-made enchiladas, the steam rising into the air, tickling her nose.

"Mmmm," Luz smiled, taking in a whiff of her meal.

Amity grinned before taking the first bite of her enchilada, her ears immediately beginning to flap, making Luz chuckle.

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