Chapter 22

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The living room was thick with the scent of honey and smoke as Luz took her seat on the couch, patting her side and smiling at Amity. Camila sat down on her usual arm chair, flattening out her clothes as she did so. She turned to them, a quizical look on her face. She grinned, looking between the two girls. She turned suddenly, smirking at her daughter with an eyebrow raised.

"So, have you two got any news? Anything to tell me?" she asked expectantly causing Luz to bury her face in her hands.

"Really, Mama? You couldn't be a bit more subtle?" she asked, her cheeks red.

"Of course not," Camila laughed, her eyes now on Amity's. "So dear, did she finally ask you?"

Amity started back at her awkwardly, trying to find her words.

"Well, uh. It's... complicated," she stumbled. "I told her first actually, but it was while I was you know... dying. And then one thing led to another I guess. I'm not sure what else to say."

Camila smiled warmly, obviously satisfied with the answer. Overjoyed, she threw both of her arms around them, squealing with excitement.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" she exclaimed, her face warm with delight. She pulled away and put her hands on Amity's shoulders. "Welcome to the family cariño!"

Luz started at her mother, flustered.

"Mama! It's not that big of a deal. It's not as if we're engaged."

"Yet," she responded slyly, rising to her feet. 

Luz was speechless. Amity sat beside her with her mouth agape, her cheeks warm and bright.

"You must both be hungry. I'll get lunch started so long while you two do your own thing!" she said with a smirk before leaving the room and the two girls behind her.

Their eyes met, lingering for moment, taking each other in. Amity's golden eyes shone with a new emotion. Perhaps joy. Perhaps relief. Perhaps longing. Luz took her hand, weaving her fingers through hers as she placed a hand on the Blight's cheek.

"See?" she smiled. "I told you it was nothing to be worried about! It was a breeze!"

Amity grinned, her cheeks flushing. 

"Ya, I guess you were right," she said softly.

"You know I was. I always am," she winked, making Amity punch her in the arm.

From the kitchen, Camila's voice floated into the room, Luz still rubbing her forearm.

"You do realize that you're only fooling yourself ,Luz?" she chuckled, causing Amity to do the same.

Luz shrugged, pulling her girlfriend into her side and wrapping her arms around her.

"I know, but I don't need to fool anyone, because I know that no matter what Amity will still love me regardless," she said coolly, looking down at a blushing Amity. "Right?"

"You know me too well Noceda," she smiled, kissing her on the cheek."


8 years later.....

The leaves fell around the two girls as they passed, their warm colors sending joy through their hearts as they made their way down a worn pebble path. It had been 8 years since they had first been together. 8 long years of unconditional love and affection. They could never be more happy. Amity tucked a piece of her now brown hair behind her ear as a cool breeze blew past them, sending shivers up their spines. Luz, who had grown much since then, wrapped her arms around Amity's waist, kissing her gently on the neck in order to warm her. Amity chuckled, ruffling the human's hair beneath her fist.

"You haven't changed one bit Noceda!" she giggled, adjusting the beanie on her girlfriend's head.

"Neither have you Blight, you're still as incredible as ever," she said cheerfully, recieving a smirk from the witch.

"Oh shut up you flirt," she teased, holding onto Luz's arm.

"Oh you know me Ams, I never shut up."

"True," Amity sighed, putting her head on Luz's shoulder. "So, are you going to tell me why you dragged me out here when it was perfectly warm inside?"

Luz's shoulders tensed at her question but she kept walking.

"Oh so am I not allowed to spend time with you now?" she joked, making Amity rolled her eyes.

"Luz we could have done that inside. Why are we here?" she nagged, tapping Luz on her nose.

"You'll see, or you won't," she responded, moving away from the witch. "Okay now close your eyes."

"This again?" Amity laughed, an eyebrow raised.

"Just do it!"

Amity sighed in defeat, shutting her eyes. She could hear a faint shuffling in front of her which only made her curiosity grow. She shifted from one foot to the other waiting for Luz to do something. And then she did.

"Open your eyes."

Amity looked around her before her eyes focused on the ground where Luz kneeled before her. Her heart raced.

"Luz?" she asked, fighting back her tears.

"Amity Blight, you are the love of my life, my heart and soul, and I want you to be my love for as long as we live. I love you Amity, so..." she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small box and holding it in her palm. She unclipped it to reveal a single ring. "Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down Amity's face as she struggled to catch her breath.


"Yes, she said, almost in a whisper before throwing herself at Luz. "Yes!"

Luz looked her face, cupping her cheek in her hand. Their lips pressed tightly together as they kissed each other longingly under that afternoon sun. 

"I love you Luz, I will never leave you, that is a promise. You mean everything to me. You know that right?"

Luz nodded, tears in her eyes.

"It's not as if you've said it a hundred times over," she laughed making Amity grin.

"Oh shut up."

She grabbed Luz by the cuff of her shirt and pulled her into another kiss, neither wanting to pull away as they cries from joy in each other's arms.

The End


Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I cant believe it's the end. Thank you so much for you support throughout and I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry that the end was so short but I hope that it was a good one. I'm not sure when I'll be writing a new fanfiction or if I will but for now I hope that this was to your liking!

Thank you and goodbye!

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