Chapter 17

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TW: swearing

Amity woke to the sound of beeping all around her, and muffled voices in the distance. Her entire body ached as she searched around for the source of the noises. Spells and machines. Of course. Sighing, she tried to lift herself onto her elbows, but a searing pain in her left shoulder sent her right back down into her thin, foam mattress. Outside, she could vaguely make out the sound of Luz's voice, as she argued with a nearby healer, begging to see her. Amity felt her cheeks grow hot, as Luz continued to try and fight her way in. Amity lay back down on her pillow, her head sinking into it's soft covers, as her body began to ache from the strain of sitting up. Her head spun as she tried to remember what had happened before she blacked out. She caught her breath at the realization. She had confessed... Amity's loud breath had drawn the attention of the healers, as the door flew open and Luz ran to her side, tears in her eyes.

"Ams! Oh god I missed you... How are you feeling?" she said frantically, making the Blight smile.

"I'm fine , just a bit sore I guess," she winced, as she tried to straighten up and face the human.

"I was worried sick... What were you thinking kicking him like that? It was brilliant! But..." Luz choked, gripping Amity's hand. "I'm so happy you're okay. I was terrified that we wouldn't be able to save you... to get you here on time."

"But you did," Amity smiled reassuringly, squeezing Luz's hand. "And you were amazing."

Luz grinned, stroking Amity's tattered green hair behind her ear, causing her to turn bright red.

"So... I... um..." Amity stuttered, trying to find the right words. "About what I said back there... I..."

Luz stared at her, her face full of hope.

"Yes?" she asked gently, continuing to stare at the witch.

"I-I meant it... I really did... but I completely understand if you don't..."

Luz cut her off, kissing her softly on the cheek.

"I love you too Amity, I always have," she said, a wide smile on her cheeks. 

Amity couldn't help but tear up, still holding Luz's hands in hers. Luz immediately turned pink, not sure of what to say.

"Sorry I... I didn't think... I..." she stumbled, causing Amity to laugh.

"You never think Noceda," she laughed, raising her pale hand and gently stroking Luz's cheek. "That's what I love about you."

A sudden cough from the back of the room caused them both to pull away, turning their attention to none other than Eda.

"It took you two long enough," she chuckled, causing both girls to blush. "So are you two dating now?"

The human and the witch turned to each other, both blushing furiously.

"I guess... If that's okay with you of course?" Luz said foolishly.

Amity smiled, staring back at her.

"I would love that."

Eda grinned, her golden fang glistening in the sunlight.

"Well I'll leave you two lovebirds too it, although you can expect a few visitors," she said slyly, stepping out of the room and into the hallway outside. "I've got some unfinished business."

Amity raised an eyebrow, looking curiously at Luz.

"It's probably nothing..." she giggled awkwardly.

Amity nodded, lying back down.

"Oh, um... What happened to Mattholomule?" she asked shakily, causing Luz to gently stroke her hair.

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