Chapter 3

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Joking and laughing, the girls made their way through the library, their hands intertwined, until they reached the deserted children's area, and sat down side by side, the book resting on both their thighs. They sat there in deep conversation, the topic varying from Azura, to life back in the human realm. The conversation seemed to go on for ages until...

"I'm sorry about the market this morning..." Luz said unexpectedly.

Amity winced and stared down at her boots, not wanting to meet Luz's eyes. 

"What about?" she asked, with no sign of emotion in her voice.

Luz gently slid her hand over Amity's, making her blush.

"You already know what Ams," she said sympathetically. "You should have let me know before hand, I would have been there much sooner if I had known."

Amity shook her head, shying away from Luz's touch. "I can handle him fine on my own..." she said defensively, clearly still processing the event.

Luz laughed, a smile spreading across her face. "I know you can, especially considering that he's almost as short as King."

Amity laughed. "That's true..."

Luz grinned, happy to see that she had cheered up her friend. Slowly, Amity lifted her head and turned to her. 

"Thanks Luz..." she said, a small smile on her face. "You're the best."

Luz rolled her eyes. "Ya sure Blight, as if I could take your place."

Amity smirked. "Oh I could go on with this all afternoon Noceda."

Luz chuckled. "I don't doubt that you could."

The two were cut off when the young witches and demons  began entering the room. Luz couldn't help but stare at Amity, she was beautiful when she smiled. The children took their seats, all staring at Amity eagerly, awaiting her words. Amity glanced over at Luz, smiling from ear to ear, making the human blush, before turning back to her audience.

"Hi everyone! So today we have a very special guest who's going to be reading with me..."

Luz felt a warm, rash creeping across her cheeks. Amity looked over at her, motioning for her to introduce herself. Luz looked down at the young spectators and waved.

"Hi, I'm Luz!" she said smiling at them.

"Hello Luz," they all said in unison. 

Luz squeezed Amity's hand behind the cover of the book. She had spoken to people freely so many times before, but there was something rather unsettling about a bunch of toddlers watching your every move, silently judging your every word. Amity smiled reassuringly, returned Luz's squeeze, and took a breath.

"Luz will be doing the voice of Azura today," she explained, flipping through the pages of the novel. "And I will be doing the voice of Hecate."

The children all looked at Luz expectantly, it seemed as if they were staring directly into her soul. She turned back to Amity, waiting for her to say something else. Amity met her gaze and nodded for her to start. Luz shut her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"'A bright light erupted from Azura's staff, sending the great Gilder Snake flying into the nearest cavern wall. The witch smiled confidently looking down at the crippled beast before her,'" Luz cleared her throat to put on her Azura voice. "'"I warned you Gilder Snake, the Good Witch cowers before no one!'"

Amity grinned at Luz, before assessing the words on the next page and starting to read.

"'The snake hissed, preparing to strike at the witch, when all of a sudden, the cavern wall blew open. "Azura!" Hecate called from across the abyss. "Duck!" The orange-haired witch leaped into battle, sending spell after spell at the Gilder Snake. But one thing that neither witch could predict, was what he did next...,'" Amity nodded at Luz.

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