Chapter 2

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Amity woke up early the next morning, anxious to start the day. She couldn't get over the fact the Luz was back... she was finally back! Her heart had never been so happy. Amity thought of her and Luz... arm in arm... happy and... She shook her head. Fantasizing about Luz wasn't going to get her anywhere. She would actually have to do something. Say something. But she was too afraid. She didn't want to ruin their friendship, and she was so terrified of being rejected, that just the idea of confessing her feeling was enough to wind her up entirely. Sighing, she threw her legs over the side of her bed, and put her head in her hands. She couldn't get the human off her mind. She smiled at the thought of her, her wild, brown locks, her foolish antics, her loyalty and compassion. A soft, pink blush crept across the Blight's pale, cheeks.

"Its not worth it..." she told herself. "No matter how bad it hurts..."

Tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to be around Luz... more than anything, but she knew that it was just a foolish reality... it would never be true. Straightening her back, Amity cast a glance at the time. She wiped her eyes, before making her way to her bathroom. She turned on the shower, and as she waited for the hot water to come drizzling down, she assessed herself in the mirror. The rings under her eyes hadn't yet left. She muttered a silent curse under her breath. She might have felt like death, but she didn't need to look like it... not now. Running her fingers through her short, green hair, she couldn't help but think of what Luz had told her yesterday. She so badly wanted to tell what was going on... what was bothering her.... But she knew that she couldn't. Luz had just come back to the Isles, now was Amity's chance to reconnect with her, not shift her weight onto Luz's shoulders. She could manage it on her own, for now... Steam began rising from the shower, beckoning Amity inside. After a quick wash, Amity made her way to her cupboard, selecting a black t-shirt and a strapped plaid dress to throw over it. She tied her hair into its signature half ponytail, before pulling her pink, crystal neck piece over her head. She quickly tied her boots, and grabbed her shoulder bag, before running down the stairs of the Blight Manor, and out onto the forest path.

"Where are you off to Mittens?" a voice behind her asked, mockingly.

Amity turned to face her siblings, Edric and Emira. She rolled her eyes, her arms crossed across her chest.

"The market," she said, already turning back towards the woods.

The twins smiled.

"We heard news that your girlfriend, Luz is back in town!" mocked Edric.

Amity turned bright red, turning around to tell off her siblings.

"She's not my girlfriend," Amity spat.

Emira giggled, smirking at her. "Yet."

Both chuckled as they watched their younger sister grow more, and more flustered. She smoothed out her dress before turning back around to make her way to the town.

"I'll be back either this afternoon or tomorrow," she explained. "Try not to burn the house down while I'm away..."

Edric shrugged. "Can't make any promises!"

Amity rolled her eyes before making her way down to the market. Witches, creatures and demons of all shapes and sizes, weaved their way through alleys and stands, their pockets, hands or claws filled with snails. Amity navigated her way around them, standing on her tip-toes, trying and trying to spot a glance of her friends, until she thought that she could make out one of their heads.Just as she was about to move on something grabbed her arm. Startled, Amity whirled around to come face to face with...

"Mattholomule..." she spat, scanning even more frantically for her friends.

She knew the short, construction track student anywhere. From his dirty brown hair, split in it signature side part, to his crooked smile and ragged appearance. Her mind raced, but she brought her attention back to the short, scraggly, witch before her. He cast her a sideways smile.

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