Chapter 8

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TW: swearing and violence

Amity woke to the sound of chirping birds on a nearby tree. She turned over to face Luz and laughed softly, a line of drool made its way down her chin and onto her pillow, she was adorable when she slept. Amity let out a small sigh, she had never been so in love, so confused. She pulled the blanket softly over the sleeping human, a soft smile on her lips.

"Morning Ammy," she yawned, her eyes still shut tight. "Sleep well?"

Amity nodded softly, making her pillow shake ever so slightly. "Mhmm, you?"

Luz's eyes fluttered open to reveal a smiling witch. "Never slept better."

Amity smiled, her ears flapping slowly. "Well, I guess we should get ready soon."

Luz yawned, before nodding her head. Sighing, she pulled her phone out from beside her.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" she asked gently, sitting up against her wall and pressing buttons on her phone.

Amity grinned before scooting up beside her and resting her head on the human's shoulder. "Yes please!"

Luz chuckled and pressed play, allowing the music to fill up the room, making Amity smile sweetly.

"Human music is so much better than the music on the Isles," she sighed contentedly. 

Luz laughed. "I'm glad you think so, some human music is awful."

"Ya," Amity said softly. "But not this music."

Luz smiled, shutting her eyes and allowing the music to consume her. She began to hum along, slowly and sweetly, making the Blight grin. After a few minutes Luz finally stirred from her fantasy, searching through her doors for something to wear.

"Here!" she said excitedly, handing Amity a small black beanie. "To hide your ears."

Amity took it graciously. "Thank you."

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Luz turned back to her clothes and handed her a pair.

Amity glanced down at a black checkered skirt, accompanied by an oversized gray shirt with a picture of a crescent moon.

"I'll be outside when you're done," Luz smiled, shutting the door behind her.

Amity stood there for a moment staring down at the clothes Luz had given her. She was quick to change into them and tie her hair back into its signature half ponytail, before opening the door and stepping outside. Luz caught her breath.

"Amity I.... you look amazing," Luz stuttered, staring at the green-haired witch.

Amity turned bright red. "Thanks... you too."

Luz stared down at her own outfit, a pastel, yellow shirt and blue, denim overalls. Luz laughed as she awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

"Thanks," she grinned, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

The two girls made their way downstairs, hand in hand. Camila sat waiting for them in the living room. She smiled warmly when the two of them entered the room, beckoning them over. They sat down on the same couch they had before, their hands still intertwined. 

"So, are you two going to walk to the mall, or should I give you lift?" she asked kindly, still smiling at the girls.

"Well I don't mind, what would you like Amity?" Luz looked at her expectantly.

"Um, what's a lift?" she asked awkwardly, making Luz laugh.

"How about we show you?" Camila said sweetly.

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