Chapter 32: Decision

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So.... I finally updated.  It's been a long time since I last did.  Last year in November was it?  I hope to update the next chapter not so late.  I'm sorry for taking so long in updating, and I've honestly missed working on this.

So many things have happened that I just can't believe.

I hope that all of you are doing okay and in good health during this hard times.  And hopefully this chapter can add a little bit of happiness as you read.  Anyways here is the chapter.  Which I feel I could have done better.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, or if it just doesn't make sense or just not good at all.



It was true that his motive was only personal. Though he wouldn't deny that having had his children betrothed to a child of one of the Vongola, would greatly benefit his family. But that came second in his decisions.

Out of all the possible candidates of betrothals, the Cavalone and Vongola were the only two who seemed appropriate and a definite better choice in his eyes.

The well being of his children came first. Many of the other children of their age are from families who are nothing more than inhumane. And he did not want his children to live in such a place.

He won't deny that his children have been around the cruel outcomes of living in the dark world of the mafia. But his family were one of the very few who were not a cruel as many of the others.

'As a father yourself, you must also understand that you would want the best for your children. I'm not talking about materialistic things, but in a personal and emotional life for them.' The words that Giotto had said to him, were ones that deeply engraved itself into his heart and mind.

And that further confirmed that the Vongola had been a good choice of a possible candidate for his children. But as fate may have it, the betrothal was never to be.

"Having our children interact with each other and further get to know each other seems like a better option. Though ultimately it's up to the children if a friendship blooms." Asari said as nestled his cup of tea in his palm, "We should start with setting 'playdates' between them to get to know each other. If that is alright with all of us here."

Taking a few seconds to process what had just been said, they all agreed to what Asari had suggested.

"And should something develop aside from a friendship?" Ignacio asked, "I'm not further trying on this matter." He quickly added.

G glanced at everyone in the room, "It would be up to them to decide on that." He said as his frown deepened, 'Hopefully it never comes to that.' He thought.

"Just as he has said, it would be up to our children to decide." Giotto followed after.


They had seen and met countless other children around the same age as them. Some of them were wonderful, but their family were no so much. And at times, some of the children had begun to take on the traits and habits of the people they had grown around. Some of which were not so good.

They, especially Catalina, had yearned to meet someone who would not be as frightening. The only one they had known as such, were the children of the Cavalone. And now from what they could see so far, so were the children of the Vongola.

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