Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival

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Sorry I took a while to update.  I kind of didn't know how to write this chapter very well.  Even now I think it could have been better, but oh well.  And I really don't feel like going through it now, since I just finished it, and it's 3:35 in the morning here.  Spent so many hours on it.  I have to tell you all that I'll try to update as much as I can before Tuesday since on Tuesday I'm scheduled to go in for surgery.  So I don't know for how long I'll be gone for.  And well sorry if there are any spelling errors or you just plain don't understand what I wrote.  So hope you like it.  And  I hope you all had a good Christmas and a good New year.



"It seems we'll be going somewhere."

"Where?" Gokudera asked as he pulled Lambo off of his leg.

Giotto looked back at the letter, "One of our acquaintances' has invited us to his mansion in England.

"But what for when and who?" Asari asked.

"Roberto. Seems he sent two letters." Giotto read the second letter and chuckled a bit.

G moved closer to Giotto and took one of the letters, "This one is the invitation, so what's the other one?"

"It basically says the same as that one you have, but just slightly different. It says, 'You know that I don't fancy writing such letters like the invitation you probably read first, but to put things simple You, your Guardians, and anyone else you would like to bring is invited to my mansion which I don't need to give you directions sine you've been there before on April 20th. I've also invited other families, do not worry this is just a party for my daughter, nothing to do with the mafia this time. So all the families have been encouraged to bring their children. You sneaky person, keeping the fact you had children a secret. Well I hope you will come.


"So we have little over a month until then. Will you go?" G asked.

Giotto looked at the letter for a bit, "I think we will. It's about time we take a break for a while."

"Thank goodness."

Everyone turned towards Lampo who now had his head on the table. Some laughed while some just sighed.

"Nufufu, as much fun as that sounds don't we have to make arrangements with the school."

"....When we take them to school tomorrow we'll talk to the headmaster of the school." Giotto said as he was putting away the letters back in the envelope.

Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Mukuro, Chrome, Enma, Lambo, Ryohei, and Kyoya(even though he'll never admit it) were really and some slightly(Kyoya, and Mukuro) at being able to travel somewhere.

After a while more of being outside they had to go back into the mansion since it had started to rain. On the way inside Cozarto looked at Tsuna and Enma for a bit.

"Tsuna, Enma." Said people turned around to look at who had called them, "Are both of you the boss' of your family back in your time?" Cozarto asked.

Enma slowly nodded, "I have for a while now."

Tsuna watched as Enma turned his face away, but he had gotten a glimps of the expression he had. Anger, and saddness.

As much as Cozarto wanted to ask what was wrong he decided not to along with every one else who had also seen the expression he had.

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