Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

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Here's the next chapter.  Yay!

The coming chapters, I feel are going to be a bit harder for me to handle.  Not in the "I can't keep up with it" but a little hint, the next stages of their "trials" will be starting.... soon, maybe.  Not sure when though.

I've been thinking, that once I finish this story completely that I'm going to re-write it as a new story, and fix anything from any spelling, grammar problems.  And even take out or add things.  There were some parts I noticed that I didn't quite like or didn't have enough detail to them.  So, I want to fix that.  So, in a way it will seem like a totally different story in some parts.

And then the fact that I've been typing up some new JJK fanfics doesn't help that I'm lagging behind on this.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.



Hearing Asari recount his memories with his wife, the children had gotten even more curious of the stories of the others.

Even though they knew some of their stories from hearing it from their mothers, they wanted to hear it from the point of their family.

"Papa, how did you meet mama?" Tsuna asked as he held a pillow in his lap looking over at Giotto who was sitting on the ground near them, unlike two other individuals who were leaning against the wall.

The children were eager to hear what they had to say, even if it was the smallest of things.  But the adults knew that the smallest of things said wouldn't be enough to quench their curiosity to know how their "parents'" met, how their childhood with their "family" was.

He wasn't sure what exactly to say, but before he could say anything his mind filled with images, conversations and feelings about his wife and son.

With a sigh and one last glance at everyone in the room, Giotto began his story of his "wife" in their first meeting and relationship.

"Nana and I were able to meet through Asari.  If it weren't for him, we probably wouldn't have met.  And if we did, maybe much later in life.  Asari had already been married for a while at this point."


The couple pulled Giotto along with them, to show the small town to him.  To introduce him to their closest friends.  Friends that Asari knew were trustworthy.

"And lastly, I want you to meet my friend." Hana smiled as she walked in between the two males, "Aside from Asari, Nana was my closest friend."

The three continued their walk, following each turn Hana took.

"I have a relative living near here, now that I look around the town." Giotto said as he gazed around, seeing every sign.  From what he remembered, he had a distant cousin, a third cousin (three times removed).  They weren't particularly close family considering that they each lived in different countries, but their families had kept contact with letters.  Letters that would take weeks at most almost two months to reach each other, "I should take this chance to find and meet with him." He mused.

"Who's your cousin?" Asari asked, "Maybe I may know him."

"His name is Sawada Iemitsu."

Asari nodded, "I've heard of him, never really met him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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