Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath

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This chapter is once again what you didn't expect.  And I'm sorry for that, I kept thinking about this so I just decided to put it here, I know I should have done this a while back ago, but I didn't.  Think of it as a more detailed chapter of what happened.  Also at the end of the chapter I'll be putting something there.  I was tagged, and so I'll be putting some stuff, I kept thinking about it so I decided to go through with it.  Sorry once again.  And I'll be updating soon, very soon.



At the moment he realized that they were gone, Reborn could think of a hundred ways to torture Gianini.


Calm down Kusakabe." Reborn walked over to him, "I don't know where they went or how long they'll be gone for, but I know Hibari trusts you more than anyone to take care of Namimori while he's gone."

Kusakabe nodded.

"And as for you. Figure out a way to bring them back from where ever they are Gianini or else." Reborn once again points his gun at Gianini.

"H-hai Reborn-san."

Reborn sighed, "Seems like your invention has failed again, and my experiment too."

'Take care where ever you are.' Reborn thought as he walked out of the room.

Reborn was in a rather foul mood as he walked down the halls of Namimori, for one his experiment failed all thanks to Gianini, and his student along with the others have gone who knows where. Now the first thing to do is how to explain their disappearance to Nana, Tsuyoshi, the Sasagawa's, Kokyou Land group, and Bianchi that their kid/brother/leader has disappeared. For Bianchi it wasn't a problem on what to say, since she was part of the mafia and knew of the bazooka, Reborn could straight out tell her that Gokudera and the rest had been shot by the bazooka and vanished, but the problem was the parents' of the others. Reborn had to make sure that the cover story of their disappearance was creditable. And of course being Reborn he had the perfect idea, they were all with Professor Borin, at some sort of study camp.


Reborn stood in front of Takesushi of course dressed at Professor Borin. Without any hesitation he walked into the place as if he owned it. As he walked in he noticed there were hardly any people in, not that he cared how many people were there anyways.

He spotted Tsuyoshi behind the counter cleaning one of the knives with a towel, Reborn made his way towards him, and once he was close to the counter he jumped up onto one of the seats.

"Yamamoto Tsuyoshi I'm hear to talk about your son." Reborn said as he folded his small hands on his lap.

Tsuyoshi looked in the direction of the voice, "Is something wrong with Takeshi?"

Reborn slightly shook his head, "No. I'm Professor Borin and I've come to inform you that your son will be with me for a few days, for free tutoring along with other students."

Tsuyoshi looked at Reborn for a few seconds before smiling, "Oh that's good. I know Takeshi's grades have been going up and down lately. Thank you for taking the time to tutor Takeshi." Tsuyoshi smiled, "Would you like some sushi, on the house."

"Of course."


After having left Takesushi he headed to the Sasagawa's house, only to find that the parents' weren't home, but Kyoko was. So Reb- Professor Borin told the same thing to Kyoko as he had to Tsuyoshi.

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