Chapter 10. Surprise

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I'm so sorry for taking so long to update, I've been feeling kind of sick lately, and those horrible tests at school.  So sorry for making you all wait.  Also I'm sorry early in advanced since I might have a lot of errors in the story.  And Happy Thanksgiving.



"We can't let them know what we're doing alright." Susan whispered.

"I know that already. You don't have to tell me. This is all for juu- I mean Tsuna-sama."

"And for senpai. Yamamoto said.

"Did we seriously have to have a meeting here in the closet?" James said.

Currently Gokudera, Yamamoto, James, Susan, Chrome, Lambo, and Enma were all in a small closet near the kitchen in the Vongola mansion.

"Are you sure Tsuna-kun and Ryohei won't find out?" Enma asked.

No one spoke for a few seconds, "We'll be fine if the fir- if our dads' do their part just as we planned."

Everyone nodded and slowly Gokudera opened the door and peeked outside before opening the door wider, "Remember what you all have to do."

~Flashback (Yesterday)~

It had already been a few days since they first started going to school, and it had been two whole months since the tenth generation came to primo's time. What everyone failed to remember was the missed birthday of a certain boxer, and a soon to come birthday for none other than Tsuna.

"I'm a failure as a right hand-man. I can't believe I forgot juudaime's birthday!" Gokudera fell to his knees once Tsuna was out of sight.

"I forgot also." Yamamoto said as he frowned, "We also forgot about Senpei's birthday too."

"What's wrong with all of you?" a voice asked.

Everyone in the room looked up to see Asari walking into the library.

"We forgot their birthdays." Enma whispered.

"Whose birthday?"

"Ryohei's and Tsuna's."

Asari walked closer to the group, "When was their birthday?"

"Senpai's was in August. His birthday was a week after we arrived here, Tsuna's is within five days." Yamamoto said, "But Gokudera's birthday was last month also."

"I don't care about my birthday. We need to celebrate juudaime's birthday." Gokudera said as he clenched his fists tighter.

Asari smiled, 'He's just like G.'

"Is something wrong Asari-san?" Yamamoto asked.

Asari shook his head, "No. I was just thinking how similar G and Gokudera are. G also doesn't care about his birthday, he doesn't really care about celebrating his birthday."

Enma sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time then he walked up to Asari who had been standing near where Gokudera was sitting since it was the closest sofa to him.

"Do you think you could help us?"

"Me?" Asari pointed at himself.

Enma nodded, "Yes, and also the others. They could help us prepare a gift for Tsuna-kun and Ryohei." "well if they have time." Enma whispered the last part.

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