Chapter 30: Play, Rumors

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So I finally updated after so many months.  I'm so sorry for taking so long in updating, but here is the new chapter.  I also have some things to tell you guys.  So, yesterday afternoon I started working on this chapter(after my classes ended for the day) since 4 in the afternoon, and I was almost done, just a little bit more and I was done.  I was so close, but then my laptop froze and closed where I was typing.  But I had saved it, so I was good.  Or so I thought.  When I opened it up, a whole chunk of the story was gone.  Everything that I had typed that day, and the rest of what I had typed from a few months ago.  There was only the beginning half or so there.  So I had to re-type what I remembered.

And I didn't really want to go and try to remember every single thing  I typed, and I just couldn't.  So I changed it a bit.  And to me it sounds really off since I improvised a lot on this.  Took me a long while to be able to finish this chapter FOUR HOURS, just for this chapter.  So I went back to my room(now living in the school dorms) after 8 at night, and had dinner.  Anyways, here's the chapter.  Hope you guys enjoy it.  Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors or if it just doesn't make sense.  And I hope to update sooner.  Sorry for making you all wait so long.



As they ate their breakfast, the first generation carefully watched the tenth generation for any sign that maybe this was all just an act of theirs. But so far they saw none. The arcobaleno also watched them carefully, they didn't know exactly what was wrong, but they knew enough to know that something was wrong. That whatever was happening, was what was most likely written in that letter that Sepira wrote.

There was nothing to indicate such thing. And no matter if it was an act, it would be highly impossible to see Hibari and Mukuro at the same table without the urge to kill each other.

Sure, they would occasionally glare at each other. Though their glares didn't seem as heated as they were before. It somewhat looked like kittens trying to attack each other.

Especially for Hibari and Alaude. At one point Alaude had said something about Hibari being such a messy child when Hibari had gotten some crumbs on his cheek from eating. Though he had wiped it away.

Hibari had glared at Alaude and apparently his "I'll bite you to death" didn't seem as threatening as it did before. To Alaude it looked like a small baby chick trying to imiate its parent. As if Hibari was trying to imitate Alaude in the way he spoke and acted to others. Though that's what it would look like to others who did not know of who they really are.

But that was just Alaude's thoughts and opinions. The others on the other hand, they thought that Hibari's glare was a bit heated, but less than before. But to the rest of the tenth generation, Hibari's glare was terrifying, except to Mukuro.

"Papa can we all play in the garden after breakfast?" Tsuna asked after trying to wipe away some of syrup that had been on the corner of his mouth, but ended up smearing it.

Forgetting his worries for a brief moment at seeing such an adorable sight, Giotto picked up his unused napkin, and used it to wipe at Tsuna's mouth and cheek.

Tsuna tried to push Giotto's hand away after he felt that he had cleaned enough, "Papa!" Tsuna exclaimed.

At seeing this, Yamamoto laughed while Gokudera told (more like yelled) at Yamamoto that he shouldn't be laughing. Hibari completely ignored them after giving them a brief glance.

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