Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting

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First of all, I'M SORRY!  Because this chapter will be what you're not expecting.  And Second, I studied early so I got to write.  So the next chapter will be up maybe in 1 day, latest 2 days.... maybe.  SORRY!


The only sounds that could be heard in the hallway of the Sawada household was the footsteps a certain infant. This certain infant was not very happy. For one he was awoken in the ungodly hours of the morning, and he still hadn't had his espresso.


(2 in the morning.)

While Reborn was sleeping on Tsuna's bed, (yes, his bed.) Leon-phone started to ring, and being Reborn he answered right away.

"Reborn speaking."

"Ah... Reborn-san, I'm really sorry to have called you at such an hour, but we need you to come to the lab as soon as possible." (There was a lab built in Namimori for Irie, Spanner, and the occasional Gianini.)

"What for?"

"Umm... we found out where Tsuna, and the rest were sent."

Reborn was silent for a while, "Where are they?"

"I'd... we'd prefer to tell you in person. You'll know what to do once we tell you."

"Very well. I'll be there in an hour."

~Flashback End~

Reborn made his way out the door, and turned Leon into a small plane, first he made his way to a café that's opened 24/7 to get an espresso. And as promised he got to the lab in an hour.


Reborn was sitting on a table looking at the three mechanics. He was in a white room surrounded by inventions. One of them was a pen that wrote on it's own (kind of like Dragon Notes. Where it types what you say.) And of course the gola mosca, (like they didn't have enough of it in the future, *sigh*) There were at least twelve computers in the room, which three of them were attached to the bazooka.

"So, where are they?"

".... They were sent to the past."

"To the past?"

"Yes, 400 years to be exact. Ugh.... my stomach."

Reborn said nothing for a while, "How do you know that?"

Before Irie could answer Spanner told him to go sit down, to which Irie gave his thanks to.

"Well when we were examining the bazooka I noticed that it had a few buttons, and a switch. The buttons allow someone to put the amount of yours you'd want to travel, and the switch says Past and Future. Well the numbers on it were at 400, and the switch was at past." Spanner said as he put another lollipop into his mouth.

Reborn let out a murderous aura, but as fast as it came it went away, "Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, you're the first one we've told. So what do we do?" Irie got up from his chair and walked over to the two other mechanics.

"First of all I want you three to find a way to bring them back."

Reborn crossed his arms, "I'm going to go make a few calls." Reborn then hopped off the table and walked out.

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