Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve

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I had the previous chapter already done, but I waited to update it until I was done with this chapter.  See I told you I'd update soon.  So yeah, and again I put another tag thing at the bottom, sorry.




Everyone tried their hardest to break the bars, but not even a single dent was visible. They were all at a great disadvantage since none of them had their weapons.

Tsuna was angry, and terrified. He wanted to rip the cage apart and take Lambo away, he felt weaker than he had ever felt in his entire life at that moment. Not only Tsuna felt that way, but everyone else also.

The more Lambo screamed in pain the more Jonathon seemed to laugh in delight, "This is amazing!" Jonathon laughed out as he watched Lambo cry in pain, "Normally by this time the others would have lost consciousness by now. You are indeed a fine specimen."

"You bastard let him go!" Gokudera yelled. Mukuro grit his teeth as he watched, he knew very well what it felt to be tied down, and expermented on. He hated it, he hated the people who did that to him with his entire being, and now watching Lambo those memories resurfaced more. And he hated the thought of a child being hurt just like Lambo was now.

Mukuro did everything he could to break free, even though he didn't really want anything to do with Tsuna and the others, he didn't want any of them to get hurt, for some reason just the thought of any of them getting hurt or....dying made his chest tighten in pain.

"Let go of him, you disgust me!" Mukuro said as he kicked the bars as hard as he could.

Jonathon briefly stopped what he was doing and sparred a glance towards Gokudera and Mukuro before turning back towards Lambo, "I can't do that. Life is full of sacrifices, you must lose something to gain something else. I had to sacrifice my own son to get to where I am today. I had to kill him to get his flames. It was for the greater good. You should be glad you are contributing to this."

Even though she felt a huge amount of fear. Fear of being harmed, fear of dying, fear of never being able to see her family, but the fear she felt the most was the fear of watching Lambo in pain. Amanda had been trying so hard to pry the bars off concentrating more on the bars in a way to forget her own thoughts that she didn't notice that some parts of the bar had sharp edges on them until it was to late. She grasped one of the bars with both of her small hands and pulled on them hard only to scream and let go quickly.

Every eye in the room turned in her direction, they all saw Amanda fall to her knees and cradle her hands to her chest. Jonathon stopped what he was doing, and looked at Amanda for a while before frowning, "I would really appreciate if you didn't hurt yourself." Jonathon said as he placed the tool in his hand on a small table next to the chair, and walked over to Amanda's cage.

Amanda slowly pulled her hands away from her chest, and opened her fisted hands slowly. As son as she opened them blood started to cascade faster down her arm then it had been when she had her hands against her chest. Amanda stared at her hands and began to cry more, both in fear, and in pain. She quickly tried to clean the blood away from her hands by slowly rubbing them on her greying green dress only to cry out in pain, and pull her hands away.

Tsuna stared at the blood stained hands, and sleeves. There was so much blood, he knew that the cuts that Amanda had on her hands were very deep since she was bleeding so much. He worried for her, but at the same time he felt somewhat thankful to her, because Jonathon had stopped hurting Lambo. He felt guilty at his thoughts, she was hurt, and Tsuna had felt relief that she had distracted him, he hated having thought in such a way. Tsuna threw himself against his bars in hopes to break them down, he needed to help Lambo, and Amanda.

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