Chapter 12: Family Weekend

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So I know I took a long time in updating this chapter.  I managed to answer questions, I'm sorry if it seems kind of weird, I had been writing well typing some of this chapter during the finals week.  I actually started it a few days ago, and finished it today.  Also I've been thinking of writing a new fanfic later on....maybe.  And also early Merry Christmas.  And no it's time to go cry in a corner or something since an app I had of Gackt that I was playing was discontinued.  So sad I didn't even get to finish all of it. T^T  So anyways sorry for any bad grammar or  spelling, or if a part just doesn't make any sense at all.



Giotto sighed in relief as he signed the last paper he had on his desk, with only a small stack to go.

"This is the first time I have been able to finish all of the paperwork without having more added onto it." Giotto closed his eyes.

"I guess it was a good idea that we planned ahead for tomorrow."

"G....That was the best idea we have all had in a long time."

~Flash Back (One Month Ago)~

After a few minutes of having sat down to eat breakfast on of the maids came in and went straight to Daemon, handed him something then left.

Some stopped eating to look at what Daemon had recieved. Daemon looked at the envelope in his hands for a bit before smiling, and opening it.

After a few seconds of silence Daemon began to laugh, and smile like a mad man.

"Is everything alright?" Giotto asked.

"Nufufu, better than alright."

"Did someone you didn't like die?" Lampo asked as he poked his food with his fork.

Daemon sighed, "Unfortunetly no. But this news is even better."

"My dear Elena is coming back." Daemon said as he got up from his seat.

The group watched as Daemon practically ran out of the room, muttering things like, "I have to prepare." and, "We need to buy...."

Giotto sighed, along with his guardians. But in Tsuna's case, all of the tenth generation looked at the door that Daemon had left through in shock.

"Was that really...."Tsuna muttered softly.

Mukuro closed his eyes, "Kufufufu, if it were possible I'd probably have nightmares of that....face." Chrome nodded slowly as he blinked her one eye.

Lambo looked as if he were on the verge of tears, since the smile that Daemon smiled was not a very normal smile but at the same time it was. It might have looked normal to someone who didn't know who and what Daemon was like, his smile seemed more like a censored version of his crazy smile, but with no killing intent. In other words his smile was a gently scary smile.

Enma dropped his fork onto the ground with mouth slowly opening and closing like a fish out of water. Ryohei, and Yamamoto were silent, and not laughing as they looked at the place that Daemon once was at. Hibari froze for a few seconds, but then continued to eat his food. Gokudera was mumbling things about an apocalypis, and that maybe that wasn't the real Daemon, that he had been switched another one.

All of these actions didn't go unnoticed by Giotto and his guardians.

Slowly after a few minutes of shock they all continued their breakfast.

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