Chapter 11. Valentine's Day

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Sorry for taking long in updating.  So I have something kind of important to tell all of you so make sure to read the very bottom after you've finished reading the chapter.  It's not any bad news so don't worry.  Sorry for any bad spelling.



Giotto as usual was sitting at his desk signing papers when he came across a letter that made absolutely no sense to him that is until he saw the date written on it. February 12th two days before the 14th.

Immediately he got up from his chair and walked out to find everyone in the mansion and that even included the maids and butlers too.

~Time SKip (A Few Minutes Later)~

"So what do you want to talk to us about?" Asari asked.

Giotto frowned and took a deep breath, "Have you all noticed what day it is today?"

"The 12th of Febru......" G trailed off on what he was saying, "Oh god."

"Exactly. It's two days before that day. You all know what this means don't you, and what we have to do."

"Hn. Lockdown."

Everyone nodded, and they all began to leave to make the preparations for the lockdown.

"Wait what about the kids, what do we do about them?" Lampo asked.

At his question everyone stopped moving and turned to Giotto waiting for his response.

A few seconds of silence, "I think they should be okay but.....what about at school? Let's just hope for the best for them."

"Wait how about going to school, one of us usually goes with them. So what do we do there?" G asked.

"Nufufufu, Of course none of us goes."

Giotto sighed, "I think I have to agree with Daemon this time. We'll send one the butlers."

"Butlers! Seriously?" Lampo exclaimed.

G laughed, "Have you forgotten what happened last time that we got well that you got on John's bad side."

Lampo visibly paled at the memory of John when he got made at him, and gave him a lesson he would never forget.

"John, Melissa would you two go in our place and take the children to school." Giotto asked as he folded his hands under his chin.

"Yes sir." Both John and Melissa said.

Giotto nodded, "Now with that settled, let the Valentines lock down begin."


(Chrome's POV)

I took a deep breath and finally walked in to the kitchen and began to look for the person I wanted no needed to talk to at the moment. Finally after walking around the kitchen I found him, the cook.

"Ummmm.... Mr. Bane, I have something to ask you."

The cook stood up from the ground and closed the cupboard he had been going through, "Ms. Chrome, what can I do for you?"

I felt my face heat up and began to fidget, "Can....can you help me make some cake tomorrow for...." Before I could finish Mr. Bane laughed.

"I see. You want to make something before hand for you friends, and parents' for Valentines day don't you."

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