Chapter 2. First Meeting

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN KHR, ALL CREDIT GOES TO AMANO AKIRA-SENSEI (once again hope I spelled her name right.)



(Their Vongla gear can change shape. They can switch between their original forms to the new Vongola gear, but they can only stay in their original form for a short while.)

The first thing that Gokudera did when he woke up was look around, and found Tsuna and the rest laying near by, but scattered.

Gokudera ran over to Tsuna, "Juudaime are you alright!"

Tsuna opened his eyes only to close them again since the sun was blinding him, "Gokudera?"

"Juudaime! Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine. Where's everyone else?"

Gokudera stood up and motioned with his hands where. Tsuna stood and looked around. As Tsuna was starting to walk up to the closest person to him who was Ryohei some of the others started to move.

Enma walked over to Tsuna as he looked around, "Do you know where we are?"

Tsuna and Gokudera shook their heads. Once everyone was awake, they began to get a better look at their surroundings. They were in a forest no where near a town since it was completely quiet.

"Kufufu, skylark where are you going?"

"Away from here. It's going to rain."

At the mention of rain everyone looked at the sky, and true to his word there were dark threatening clouds showing the signs of a rain storm. They all ran after Hibari who was walking in deeper into the forest.

As they went deeper into the forest it got darker, but it was a good thing, because once they were in there it had started to rain. Some of the rain managed to get through, but not a lot. They walked for what seemed like hours to them, once they got to a spot that seemed acceptable to rest for the night they began to look for any tree branches on the ground that were dry to make a fire.

"I'm tired. It's weird, I don't think I'd normally feel this tired." Tsuna gasped.

"haha me too."

"Kufufu seems like our strength has regressed back to the age we shrunk."

"I don't think so though. It's true that we've gotten tired, but shouldn't we be more tired? Juudaime how tired do you feel?"

"Not much, but I do feel really tired. My legs kind of tingle a bit."

"I see, I feel somewhat the same as Juudaime. I look like I'm seven, my body shrunk but not all of my stamina since I myself aren't that tired."

"Gyahahah, Lambo-san isn't tired at all."

'That's because Onii-san carried you most of the way!' Tsuna thought.

"M-maybe we should all rest for a while. We probably feel like this since our bodies changed quickly so maybe....we're not used to it." Enma walked over to Tsuna.

"Probably. I guess our bodies are kind of in shock or something like that."

They all sat near the fire, except for Hibari who was close, but not so close. As the hours passed Enma's stomach began to growl.

"Enma did you bring your bag with you?"


"You packed everything in there right, when Reborn told us to."

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