Chapter 8. How Long

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I really hope you all like this chapter.  Sorry I took long to update. Updated October 17, 2015, edited March 29, 2016.



"I as well know who you are Tsunayoshi Sawada."

Giotto walked up to the young woman, "It's good to see you again."

"It's a pleasure for me as well. It certainly has been a long time." The young woman smiled.

Tsuna could only stare at the person in front of him.

"Tsuna do you know who this is?" Giotto asked.

He shook his head, "No, but I've heard about her from someone else."

"So he told you." The young woman said.

"By 'he' you mean...." Gokudera was caught off.

"Yes. Now let me formally introduce myself." The young woman took a few steps until she was in front of Tsuna and the others, "My name is Sepira*, Gilgio Nero Primo."

Talbot laughed, "You might want to ask her more questions if you want, it might be the last time you see her for now."

Tsuna nodded, "I-is Checker face with you now?"

Sepira shook her head, "No, we parted ways a while back."

"How do you know who we are?" Gokudera asked.

"As you all may know I have an ability to see the future. I was able to see further into the future and see my descendants, and I was able to see you all when you helped Yuni."

Before anyone could say anything she took a deep breath, "And I wish to thank you for everything you have done for Yuni. For helping her, and for releasing them all."

"Releasing them? What do you mean?" G asked.

"It is not for anyone of this time to know."

The young women turned to face Talbot who was beside her and nodded at him.

"Now to get on with what brings us here. I finished making the machine......" Talbot began but only to be interrupted by cheers.

"We can finally go home juudaime/Tsuna-kun/Tsuna/SAWADA/Boss/Kufufufu/hn"

"But..... there is something you must all know." Talbot said.

Everyone who had been cheering stopped once they heard the word, "But" except for a certain someone who was still saying, "I'll get to eat mama's food gyahahaha." and so on.

"Shut up stupid cow!"

"Don't wanna." Lambo stuck his tongue out at Gokudera.

"Why you little...." Before he could continue on her was interrupted by Talbot.

"Listen. This is of outmost importance, I need you all to listen." Talbot said as he walked closer to Gokudera and Lambo.

They all nodded, "Good. Like I said I finished the machine, but there seems to be a problem with it. It's not broken that I am sure of."

"Than what's the problem Talbot?" Giotto asked.

"The machine I made is very simple, but it works. The way it works is that there are a few switches to it, but the most important ones are the years. I tested it with putting it twenty years in the future and it works, then I'd slowly raise the year number. But the strangest thing happened when I placed it to four hundred years. it stopped working."

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