Chapter 9. First Day

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Sorry I took so long to update.  Sorry if the story doesn't seem interesting, wrote most of it during breaks from writing essays.  Almost forgot I want to thank all of you who have read this story, even though I'm not very good.  So Thank you all.



Today everyone in the mansion were being quiet. Mainly one reason the tutors are coming, and they need to be presentable, and this includes both the first and tenth generation.

Everyone were lined up waiting to get a passing mark from G, yes even Giotto and the rest.

G stared intently at Gokudera, "You pass. Next."

Gokudera moved away and Yamamoto walked up, "Pass." Yamamoto walked away smiling.

"I don't have all day, move up here!" G said.

"Kufufufu, impatient aren't we." Mukuro said as he walked to a stop in front of G.

G glared at him, "Pass, but put away your trident." Mukuro glared but still dematerialized his trident.

Chrome walked up next got a passing mark(since she was asked to wear a longer skirt.) Enma followed, he passed. Hibari, Ryohei, Lambo, and Tsuna all got a passing mark.

"Now it's your turn." G said as he faced Giotto.

"Seriously G? Why are you doing this?"

"Yes. Do I have to remind you that you sometimes end up putting on your shirt inside out." G then turned towards Lampo, "And you always take a nap and end up wrinkling your clothes, let's not forget about Daemon and Alaude. You two when you go out to a mission, or just fight each other you both have blood on you."

"Nufufufu, it's hardly noticeable."

"Hardly!? Don't make me laugh, I seem to recall one time you came back from fighting with Alaude, your shoulder was soaking in blood. And Alaude one time he came back from a mission with blood on his sleeves, and didn't even change out of them because he had business to attend to." G sighed, "The only responsible ones here besides me is Asari, and Knuckles."

Asari cleared his throat, "Can we move on. We really don't have all day."

Tsuna watched as Giotto was examined head to toe in slight amusement, because he always had imagined Vongola Primo to be a very proper man. Somehow the way that Giotto and the rest act make Tsuna, Enma, Gokudera, and everyone else seem like they really are just among normal people, and not a mafia boss and his guardians.

Once G was finished examining everyone they all moved over to the parlor room.

"Do we really need to go through all of this. Can't you guys just tutor us?" Enma asked.

"We're all busy most of the time, so we can't exactly sit down with you for who knows how many hours to teach you. I mean yeah we would be able to teach you a few things but not enough." Asari said as he walked up to G.

"Don't tutors usually have to have a parent's permission sort of? So does that mean I don't get a tutor since Cozarto isn't here."

"Actually you do Enma."

Everyone turned towards the doorway to see Cozarto standing and smiling, "I gave my permission when Giotto asked for it over a month ago."

"You hired a tutor two months before hand?" Mukuro asked.

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