Chapter 6. Temporary Family

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I know I just posted chapter 5 a few hours ago, but I already had part of chapter 6 done so I just finished it up before going to class.  So yeah, umm.... so hope you like it.  I think this chapter is kind of short compared to the others.



The ride back to the Vongola mansion was a really quiet one. The first and tenth generation just stared at each other. Many questions wanting to be asked, but no one wanted to ask at the same time.

In the carriage with Giotto, G, Daemon, Tsuna, Gokudera, Mukuro, and Chrome. The silence was so thick it seemed almost touchable. The same with the second carriage with Cozarto, Lampo, Asari, Knuckles, Yamamoto, Lambo, Enma, and Ryohei. Aladue and Hibari were in a separate carriage away from the others, neither of the two spoke.

Once they had arrived at the mansion they all went to the living room, (Do mansions even have those?)

Tsuna looked at Giotto, and the rest of the first generation, "A-are you mad.... that we didn't tell you are real ages?"

The first generation looked at the them all for a while before they all sighed, "We're not mad, we're just a bit.... surprised."

"We're really sorry." Yamamoto said.

"It's okay. You all had your reasons to not tell us. Like you said it might have been an extreme shock to us, which is was."

Yamamoto nodded.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" Chrome asked.

".... I guess we just wait until Talbot finished making the machine."

"We can't exactly say that we're from the future so what do we tell people if they ask what are relation to you all is?" Gokudera asked.

Giotto looked at them for a while, "Actually we had already been thinking about it. We decided to pass you as family."

"So are we going to be cousins' or nephews?" Enma asked.

"Maybe siblings?" Mukuro said.

Giotto shock his head, "Well we could have passed you off as our cousins' but you all look to much like us that it'd be kind of unbelievable. So we decided to pass you off as your children except for Knuckles, and Lampo. I can't exactly say Tsuna is by brother or cousin since my parent's died when I was ten, and I was an only child, and I have no other living relative."

At the mention of children Mukuro's mood changed drastically, since he wanting nothing to do with Daemon. But before he could say anything Tsuna placed his hand on his arm and shook his head. Mukuro sighed and said nothing.

"We'll say that you have all been living abroad with your mothers' family. We'll keep you surname the same, say that you all took on your mothers' surname as a form of protection." G said.

"In my case, Ryohei is my extreme nephew and he has his father's surname, since I'll say his mother is my sister. May I be forgive for lying."

"I don't want a son, so you'll just be my little brother." Lampo said to Lambo.

"So for now on I'm your father Nufufu/ Dad." The rest of the first generation said including Cozarto.

Tsuna could only stare with his mouth opened at what had just happened, "So does that mean we have to call you dad in public?"

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