Chapter 4. Adoption

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Some of it was written during a head ache, so if something doesn't make sense, sorry.


(Here the VG can change shape to their ring forms.)


'EHH!/hn' was what was going through their minds at the moment.

Tsuna slowly took a few steps back, "We have to get out of here." He whispered.

Hibari began to take out his Tonfas.

"Hibari-san stop! We can't fight them, we don't even know how strong we are in these bodies, and if we are in the past we'll end up changing it if we do something."

Hibari frowned, but reluctantly obeyed.

(First Generation POV.)

( "Italian" [Japanese] )

Giotto and his guardians were walking around town having just come from a meeting with a family wanting to make an alliance with them. Giotto was looking at his surroundings and ended up bumping into something. He looked down and saw a small child who barley just reached above his waist.

[I'm so sorry.] The small child looked up, and upon seeing his face he froze.

This child looked just like him when he was a child himself, except for the hair and eyes. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and this child had brown hair and eyes.

The child took a few steps back, and whispered to the group of children behind him that he just noticed. When he saw these children he was surprised yet again. These children looked just like his guardians, and even one who looked just like Cozato.

"Oy, Giotto what are you looking at?" G asked as he walked up to his friend and boss.

Giotto could only point, G looked to where his friend pointed. What he saw literally made him gasp. He saw a mini Giotto and a mini him, along with minis of the others.

Slowly the rest of the guardians walked up next to Giotto they too noticed the small children.

"What is this? Is it one of Daemon's illusions?" Lampo asked.

Daemon shook his head and continued to look at the children.

"I know I don't have a kid. How about you guys?" Asari said.

Everyone either said no, or just shook their head.

"Who are they then? The brunet spoke in Japanese a while ago."

Giotto looked back at the children, [Could you tell us who you are?]

None of the children answered they just stared at him, and began to slowly move back.

[Tch. Answer his question. Who are you kids?!]

"G calm down you'll just scare them." Asari said.

"Maybe they're in shock to be in the presence of ore-sama." Lampo said as his ran a hand through his hair.

"Nufufu, you'd certainly wish that wouldn't you."

"Hn." Alaude began to walk closer to the group.

"Hold on Alaude, don't scare them!" Giotto hissed.

G sighed, "hey you brats tell us already who you are."

The children froze all movement then the small G look alike took the brunets arm, and ran but not before he yelled over his shoulder.

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