Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home

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I'm so so sorry for not updating in such a long time. In just a few months it would have been an entire year. I'm so sorry. But I have finally updated. So as probably some of you have noticed, I wrote a new story called "Ghosts of Vongola" which is a crossover, and that one I entered it to the AnimeCrossoverWa the voting should have started, but since there aren't enough stories submitted it hasn't started. So if you my dear reader have an anime crossover story you can submit it there.

Back in May, or was it June I can't remember when exactly, but I went to my cousin's house in the morning still in my pajamas, which is completely not odd, since I stay in my pajamas when I have nothing to do. Anyways he'd married and has three daughters. The eldest is 6, the second eldest is 3 and the youngest is 1 year old. Anyways I went with my parents there. And I was with my niece (the second eldest). My pajama pants is an Attack On Titan one, I got it at Hot Topic. Anyways, it has chibi forms of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and colossal. Well my niece asked me what their names were so I told her. Then after I told her their names, I pointed at Mikasa and asked her if she remembered her name. She said the cutest and funniest thing ever. She said "Tu casa" which translated to English means, "your house". Mikasa sounds like "mi casa" which means "my house". So cute and funny.

Also sorry for any spelling and grammar errors or if something just doesn't make sense.



They were now seated in the sofas waiting for Ciel to speak. They waited patiently watching Ciel carefully, as Ciel also watched them.

Ciel leaned back in his chair, "What exactly happened to that man. Jonathon."

At hearing that name the other three people in the room either clenched their hands, or frowned, "What do you mean by that? As you may know Alaude and Daemon interrogated him." Giotto said.

"Is that so. Then may I inquire for his whereabouts?"

A few seconds of silence, "Why do you want to know?" G asked.

"Just curious, nothing more."

"Nufufu well sorry to inform you, but he has been taken into further custody. Along with a few other people. We also don't know, but for sure we won't be seeing him in a long time." Daemon smirked.

"Care to further explain."

Giotto looked over at Daemon, "You know you can't...." He whispered to him, but was cut off.

"I know very well what I can and can't say. I know how to hold my tongue with this." He whispered back with a small twitch of his lips while slightly turning his head in Giotto's direction.

To Ciel it looked nothing more than a simple twitch of their lips as they spoke, though he couldn't hear them at all. In fact he couldn't even hear them. They spoke so quietly that Ciel even began to think that he had maybe just imagined it.

Daemon turned back to Ciel, "I was merely saying that we no longer know where he is at, that he has been sent to a different location."

They knew that Ciel was involved with the dark parts of the underworld just like they were, but Ciel's case wasn't the same as being in the mafia. He had no knowledge of them. Of the Vindice, so to the Vindice's eyes Ciel is still a civilian who should know nothing about them. But they also knew that this boy wasn't a civilian, but even so they couldn't risk anything by saying things they shouldn't say.

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