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The next day everyone was practicing as usual, except for Kagami-kun who was injured. 'It seem like today he wasn't going to be here today.' you thought. You look at Kuroko-kun who still seems to be out of it. "Kuro-tan seems like he still not over it yet." you said.

"It's okay. He'll get over it soon." Riko-senpai said. Later after that, Riko-senpai stops practice and tell everyone to gather around.

"Do you remember what you guys said when you join the team?" she asks. Everyone gasps and with the surprising look showing on their faces. "You don't want to lose the next one. You want to know why? Winter is going to be cold."

"Eh?" you said. That is when, she explained to us about the Winter Cup. The team got one more chance to play and if Seirin loses...

"If we can't win this winter, she'll really make us go naked." Hyuuga-senpai said, as he look at Riko-senpai, who was all glittering and had that sparkling aura around her.

"By the way, Teppei is coming back home." Riko-senpai tells Hyuuga-senpai.

"Wow. There is so much events happening lately." Hyuuga-senpai said.

"Teppei-san?" Furi asks. "Whose Teppei-san?"

"He's our number 7, our ace." Hyuuga-senpai answers.


The next day, you and the other first years had finally get to meet this so called Teppei-san. To your opinion he was the optimistic, happy-go-lucky type, who is also hiding something. He came into the gym wearing his uniform already. When he had changed, he fully introduce himself. As Kagami-kun started to play basketball again, for some reason it felt weird a bit. He seems to play like the GoM members. Later, Kiyoshi-senpai had desided to play Kagami-kun for the starter position. Kagami-kun had won.


Later that day, when practice was over, you had decided to go visit Kise.

"Yo." you said to him. Kise, who was sweating, looking at you confused.

"Why are you here, (Y/N)-cchi?" he asks.

"Kay. I'm leaving." you said, turning around.

"Wait! I was just joking."

You explained to him what had happened with Akashi. "I'm sorry that I'm telling you all this. I'm probably being shallow for asking you so much." you said, smiling.

"No, its fine. Although, when are you going to admit that you're in love with Akashi-cchi?" he said, looking a little bit annoyed.

"What?! The person I'm in love with is-!" you said.

"Kuroko-cchi." he finishes. "Could it be that you like Akashi-cchi also during middle school too?"


"You are denying it again." he said, chuckling.

"Oi! Kise. Hurry up and get back to practice before coach yells at you." Kasamtasu-senpai said.

"Oke." Kise answered. "Well when are you going to stop denying your feelings? It's okay to like both Akashi-cchi and Kuroko-cchi. The problem is who are you going to choose? If Kuroko-cchi happens to like you, wouldn't that be a problem for you? I mean, then you would have to choose and hurt one person or the other. Anyway, I got to go. See you later (Y/N)-cchi." You didn't say anything again.

When he left the gym, you followed him. You watch him go back on the court. You had a sudden chill. 'Has he improved this much since the last time Seirin defeated Kaijou? On top of that, Kaijou is beginning to look much stronger as well..' Suddenly you yell Kise's name.

"Ryouta-kun! I decided!" you yelled at him.

"Kise, pass the ball!" one of the players said.

"Ah. Oops!" he said, as the ball was taken away from him. Kasamatsu-senpai kicked him for being distracted so easily.

You had wait for Kise to be done with practice. You both walk home together

"Sorry, Ryouta-kun! But I wanted to tell you, that I'm going to acknowledge Akashi's feelings for me. And I'm going to think a lot on who I actually like."

"That's great and all, but next time please tell me when my practice is over."

"Sorry." you said. "For being inconvenience to you. I shall take my leave."

"Eh? I can walk you home!" Kise said.

"You don't have to stalk me home. I cause you enough trouble for today." you said, smiling brightly, aleady running away from him.

"Damn it, (Y/N)-cchi. You are a heartless person. Why is it that when I'm thinking about giving up on you, you come back to me, and lure me back to you. Akashi-cchi, Kuroko-cchi, take care of (Y/N)-cchi for me will you? I absolutely don't want to feel this feeling anymore."


It seem like the next day Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun had finally reconciled and Riko-senpai and Hyuuga-senpai also told us about our summer vacation training. There has been a lot of events lately. Especially about the warning that Hyuuga-senpai just said. What warning?


Riko-senpai's cooking. "Sorry guys. I can cook but she insisted that she will cook. She didn't wanted me to touch a single utensil." you said.

"It's ready!" Riko-senpai said. Riko-senpai had made curry for us. Luckily, you had already ate a bento you made that morning, so you got to avoid eating Riko-senpai's curry. You could tell by everyone's expression that it didn't taste good. "It wasn't very good, was it?" Riko-senpai said. Hyuuga-senpai, who tried to act cool, began to eat it all of the curry, which made Riko-senpai very surprised. He walk out acting all cool.

"It had a unique taste to it, but it was a pretty good. It had the most important ingredient. It had love. But you may have gone wrong somewhere with your cooking. Why don't you try it again?" Kiyoshi said, smiling. They were acting so cool, which kind of touch you a bit. You were glowing that Riko-senpai had wonderful men around her.

"Why don't you try some too, (Y/N)-chan?"

"I guess I can give it a taste." you said. 'After all it can't be that bad.' you thought. But after you tasted it, you regret what you had just said.

"Do you want me to teach you?" you suggested. Your cooking wasn't good or bad. You and Riko-senpai turn around to see Kagami-kun suddenly had finish making his food, which look really good. Probably better then your food. "Yummy." you said. You ask Kagami-kun taught Riko-senpai how to cook. You also gave her some tips, although she still added things that she thought that were nutritious and things have protein, without you and Kagami-kun knowing.

"It tastes bad then the last one." Izuki-senpai comment.

"Kagami-kun, (L/N)-chan, what happened?" Hyuuga-senpai asks.

"I don't know." you and Kagami-kun, both said, shaking your heads. You look at Kuroko-kun who just took a spoon of it.

"How is it Kuro-tan?"

"Delicious." he answers. You decided to grab a spoon and taste Kuroko's dish.

"You don't have to push yourself, Kuroko." Hyuuga-senpai said, seeing Kuroko-kun taking a bite.

"It's good." you commented.


"Could it be that you serve for yourself?" Kiyoshi-senpai said.

"Yeah. They forgot about me, so I serve myself." Kuroko-kun answers.

"Oops! Sorry about that." you said.

"It's okay." he said. Everyone found out what went wrong with Riko's dish. When everyone took another try without Riko-senpai serving for them, they cried with anime tears, glad they actually got real food to eat. You sweatdrop and look at Kuroko-kun. You both made eye contact and laugh together. 'Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day, after all.'

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