Ch. 41

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"Sorry to keep you waiting." you said, smiling. "How long have you waited?"

"I just got here myself." the peach hair girl said, puffing her cheeks. She was a bit surprised on how you weren't giving her a rude attitude now but this time a friendly attitude. "I just want to get this over with."

"Right." you said, smiling. After you two settle down on the bench, no one said anything. You felt nervous, anxious even. What was there to say? "So.. um... How have you been?"

"I'm not here to have a friendly chat." Momoi said, closing her eyes. She opened one of your eyes and see that you were fidgeting. You were being awkward and didn't know what to say. How is one supposed to talk about a fight? She sighs. "How was your second birthday?"

"It was fun. Kuro-tan gave me a present! We even had a party." you boasted, not hesitating to answer. A vein pop out of Momoi's head.

"Is that so?" she tried to smile but it was shown pretty well that she was angry.

"Thank you for remembering." you tell her. "Satsuki-tan. We're friends."


"We're friends. I know I hurt you. Even if I apologized, you wouldn't forgive me, huh?" you ask her. She doesn't say anything. "Normally girls shouldn't fight over a guy. But it was my fault it was like this."

❖❖❖ I could still remember the time when I found out. It was terrible. I thought I had lost my best friend.

"Ne, ne. Momoi. (L/N). Do you two have anyone you like?"

"I guess." I answered. I waited for (L/N) to answer.

"No." you answered with a shaky voice. You smile. "Not that I know of."

After that, it was a few days later, I told her about my love for Kuroko-kun. She looked surprised at first but then she smile putting her index finger next to her lips.

"That's good to hear." she said, looking happy.

"Are you sure that you don't like anyone?" I ask her. I smiled back. I wanted to help her. I knew that she must of liked someone. So I went around asking if she did liked someone. Was it Akashi-kun? To make sure, I had to go to someone. The first person I went to was Ki-chan. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"You didn't know?" Ki-chan thought about it for a moment like he shouldn't tell me or not. "It's Ku-"

Suddenly, (Y/N) came in and attack Ki-chan. I didn't get to hear Ki-chan's answer or what he was about to say. "W-W-Wh-Wh-What ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!"

She looked like she had a dark aura around her, about to kill Ki-chan. She whispered something to Ki-chan like she was hiding something.

"You wanted to know who I like?" you asks. I looked at Ki-chan annoyed that the blonde model told (Y/N) about it.


"I don't have anyone I like right now. Really!" you lied with a bright smile on your face. Your mind has been always filled with Kuroko-kun ever since you first met him. What was the reason you lied? Although Momoi didn't know that. Since you and her were the best of friends, she had decided to trust you.

A few weeks later, when Tetsu-kun left the club, (Y/N) was looking anxious about something. She left the gym in the middle of match and as I rush after her, it was when I saw her confessed to Tetsu-kun. Why did she lie to me? Weren't we friends? Did she not trust me enough? Or was it that I was the only one who thought of us friends in the beginning?

❖❖❖ "I didn't get to tell you all this time. I'm in love with Kuro-tan." you said.

"Why now?" she asks. "Why did you lie back then?"

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