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He was still waiting for your answer. "Yeah.." you said, honestly. "I have feelings for Kuro-tan.." He didn't say anything which makes you want to continue. "I confessed to him after the last match of the championship game, but.. I sort of got rejected." He looks at you, with a surprise look on his face. "Honestly, Satsuki-tan saw me confess to him.. Then I ran after Satsuki-tan.. I never got my answer. He acts normally now so I guess that's the answer." He looks at you like he doesn't even care anymore but for some reason he chuckles to that. "What are you laughing about?"

"Nothing." he said.

"Sei-tan, why did you ask that?"

"Oh. No reason really. I just remembered that you have the same height as Tetsuya now when he was in middle school."

"I take that offensive, I don't like it when people call me short." you said, annoyed.

"Anyway how's the orphanage?" he said, laughing, trying to change the subject.

"Oh.. It's doing fine. Everyone is great and lively!" you said, cheerfully.

"That's good to hear." Akashi said, smiling. 'He looks more happy now when he first saw me.' you thought.

"Anyway Sei-tan, do you mind if I come visit every once in a while?" you ask him.

"No, I don't mind. I like to see you too. You're very comforting to talk to. I like it how we use to talk back then too. If you need anything or have a problem, you can come talk to me about it. I'm all ears." he said, assuring me. Akashi holds my hand, and smile. "Don't push yourself to the limit now okay? And if you want to talk to me anything about Tetsuya, I'll be the first guy you'll talk to, okay?" You nod, understanding what he meant. But what you didn't understood was the topic where he brought up Kuroko-kun..


The next day, it was lunch time, and Kuroko-kun had stop by to your class to talk to you.

"Hey Kuro-tan." you said, taking a bite of the bento you made this morning. "What's up?"

"Why didn't I see you at practice, yesterday?" he asks.

"Oh. I went to Rakuzan to visit Sei-tan." you answer him while writing notes for the team.

"What for?"

"Just to talk to him. I kind of miss talking to him." you said. He looks at you with a blank face. For some reason, you felt like he wanted to ask more.

"(Y/N)-chan. Do you want to hang out today?"

"Sure. After practice then." you answered, smiling.

"Okay." he said, smiling back.

"If we're going to your favorite fast food restaurant, you treat me. Kay?" you added. He nod and smile at you, watching you eating and working at the same time.


Later after school, you and Kuroko-kun went to the park, where people usually play streetball. You watch as Kuroko-kun tries to make a shoot. After a while, you two were sitting on a bench and you watch Kuroko-kun drinking from his water bottle.

"So what were you and Akashi talking about?" he asks, trying to start up a conversation.

"Oh.. Pretty much how are we doing at school." you said. It was the truth but you just didn't tell him the whole thing.

"Well? Do you like it here at Seirin?"


"I noticed you don't talk to the coach. She's a girl. You two can become friends." Kuroko-kun said. You didn't say anything. You don't talk to the coach, but only when you were needed. You were scared in getting close to her, and let the same thing happened all over again and lose a friend like Momoi.. You couldn't bear the same thing happen again so you decided not to become friends with Riko-senpai.

"Satsuki-tan.. After what happened with Satsuki-tan, I don't want to lose another friend." Even though you said this, you were still having the heavy burden that you are still probably hurting Momoi's feelings. "Anyway, different subject. You become good friends with Kagami-kun. He's really strong. I think Dai-tan is more stronger though." You giggled.

"It seems like we're going to play them soon." He said. His blank face turn to a frown.. "Aomine-kun.. Don't you think he has change a bit?"

"Yes. I noticed it. You two were always close. Best friends. He was never lazy, skipping practice.. It felt like he's bored of basketball. But.." as you said that Kuroko-kun looks at you. "I believe in Kagami-kun and Seirin. That he will beat Dai-tan's basketball. And hopefully I will see Dai-tan's bright smiling face again. Cause Kagami-kun is strong." you look at Kuroko-kun when you finished saying that. You see him with a blank face. "O-oh! I mean you will beat him too! You're a strong player too! I know the two of you can beat Dai-tan!" you said, panicking. He shows a gentle smile.

"Yeah.." he said. As soon as he finish saying that, he put his head on your shoulder.

"Kuro-tan?!" you said, blushing.

"Can I put my head here..? I'm tired from the match with Kise-kun." he said. You didn't say anything which made Kuroko-kun taking that as a yes. After a while, you fell asleep too.


You woke up to see Kuroko-kun carrying you. It was dark and you must of fell asleep back at the park.

"Kuro-tan?" You said, blushing.

"Oh, you're awake?" he said. "You were sleeping peacefully, but it was getting dark so I'm carrying you home now."

'You could let me down now.' you thought. But you didn't say it for some reason. For just a moment, you wanted to be like this forever. Instead you said, "Thank you." which made him smile.

When you got to the orphanage, you could hear from the inside, 'where is (Y/N)nee-san?!' You could hear everyone making a fuss on where you been, are you safe? It's getting dark, etc. "Sorry about that Kuro-tan. Do you want to come inside?" you ask him.

"No. Curfew ends in a few minutes for you, right? You should get inside." Kuroko-kun said.

"Thank you again.." you said, as he wave goodbye to you. You turn around, as soon as you saw Kuroko-kun leaving. Just when you were about to open the door, you saw Akashi right in front of you. "Sei-tan?!"

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