Ch. 43

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"Ehe.." you chuckled. You look at Momoi whose eyes were puffed up. 'Her eyes are red.. She must've been crying all night.' you thought to yourself.

"So tell me.." the peach hair girl said. "Why am I here? Haven't we reconciled?"

"I don't know.."

"Then what is it?" she asks. "Are you here to tell me to give you advice on Tetsu-kun?"

"I guess...?" you answered, very unsure.

"Just because I'm your rival.. isn't that cruel?! No one in their mind would want to be friendly with their rival! Just because I got rejected yesterday, and because of it now I have puffy eyes and you're still telling me to give you advice?" you didn't answer but sweatdrop on how dramatic she was.


"Just spit it out already." A vein pop out of her head. You watch her drink her coffee, looking very pissed about it.

"Sei-tan likes me.." She looks at you surprised. You two were seen together a lot.

"So? Ki-chan and Tetsu-kun both likes you. Now Akashi-kun.. It's not like you like him. You have Tetsu-kun." She notices you haven't said a word, looking down. Her mouth opens, not believing she had just answered herself.

"What?!" she yells, slamming the table. Momoi realizes that their were other people around and turns flustered.

"I'll explain." you said to her, ashamed not to make eye contact.

❖❖❖ You two were outside at a nearby park. As you explained, everything what happened, Momoi silently builds up her anger.

"Is that all?" she asks, standing up.

"Yeah." you answered. Momoi stands up and grabs your collar and slapped you on the same side she had hitted you yesterday.

"Give Tetsu-kun to me..!"❖❖❖ Somewhere nearby..

"Senpai!" Kise yells.

"What? No practice and that's final!" Kasamatsu yells. "Not till your legs getting better."


"No buts." Kasamatsu turns around to see Momoi slap you. "Hey.. Isn't that your friends?"

Kise turns around to see the action. What happened? Didn't you two reconcile? Why did Kise had to come in at the wrong time? Kasamatsu quickly rushes over to Momoi who was ready to hit you again.

"Give Tetsu-kun to me! When are you going to stop seducing guys?!" she was struggling thanks to Kasamatsu but she wanted to kick you on the face so hard... "First Ki-chan, then Akashi-kun, and Tetsu-kun!? Knowing he likes you is another thing but kissing him and telling me you like is another-"

"I know." you cut her off, saying it as calm as you can. You were trying so hard not to cry. "I love them both in different ways. That why.. I know I'm being selfish for loving them both. While Kuro-tan forgives me, I'll continue to love him selfishly till I made up my mind. As much as Kuro-tan has faith in me, I too will trust Kuro-tan. If you still like him now, I will do my best to not lose."

Momoi got even more angry. She started kicking her legs and her shoes was thrown at you but you block it with your arm. "If you choose Akashi-kun, then don't lead Tetsu-kun on!"

"I've felt uncomfortable many times when he tried to kiss me. True, I didn't push him away. But I won't let Sei-tan do that to me again till I made up my mind."

"How long are you going to stay fucken calm?! How much time have you made Tetsu-kun wait?! You know how much it hurts to wait in anticipation! That long.. Stop hurting Tetsu-kun!"

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